Love is the strongest power outside and inside the box
Common sense should be true regardless of your point of view. (sing it) Common sense isn't as common these days. I would say the propaganda machine including schools has something to do with this. I'm sure everyone, of the public, would say that keeping your expenses within your means is common sense. Healthy air, food and water is common sense. Wanting to improve the experience on Earth is commo
Or rather your diagnosis of cancer could just be a parasite nest. Gross, yes; Easy to treat, yes! I knew we had a treatment (c.u.r.e) for "cancer" (a.k.a parasites), but didn't know it was this easy! Take something to cleanse you of parasites: * Ivermectin - If your government hasn't outlawed it! If they have, just find some anyway. * Wormwood Check out Dr. Lee Merritt's "Parasite Protocol" o
We've been living in a debt-slave society for too long. The USD is maybe worth 3 cents, but their mainstream news is still selling lies that other countries should peg to their dollar. How about this... All the countries who have been pillaged financially and physically by the US get together, create a gold backed currency (BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa +100s of other countri
JP retired from the army with a heart issue caused by the injection. This video is his experience. He is asked to run laps to test his heart. He was healed and says he feels like he's 20. Healing is freedom from the medical and pharma corporations. Imagine your own Star Trek future with synthesizers, tri-quarters, medbeds and space travel. We already have these things in black projects - you pa
Free from what? The box that controls how you think and wants you to keep busy, so you don't have time to question anything. What is the box? It's conformity; The way we've done things for our lifetime. No questions asked. It's keeping yourself small and giving your power away. It's lies that we all think are true. History is just his-story. Manufactured control over you and me -- until you step
Free from what? The box that controls how you think and wants you to keep busy, so you don't have time to question anything. What is the box? It's conformity; The way we've done things for our lifetime. No questions asked. It's keeping yourself small and giving your power away. It's lies that we all think are true. History is just his-story. Manufactured control over you and me -- until you step
JP retired from the army with a heart issue caused by the injection. This video is his experience. He is asked to run laps to test his heart. He was healed and says he feels like he's 20. Healing is freedom from the medical and pharma corporations. Imagine your own Star Trek future with synthesizers, tri-quarters, medbeds and space travel. We already have these things in black projects - you pa
We've been living in a debt-slave society for too long. The USD is maybe worth 3 cents, but their mainstream news is still selling lies that other countries should peg to their dollar. How about this... All the countries who have been pillaged financially and physically by the US get together, create a gold backed currency (BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa +100s of other countri
Or rather your diagnosis of cancer could just be a parasite nest. Gross, yes; Easy to treat, yes! I knew we had a treatment (c.u.r.e) for "cancer" (a.k.a parasites), but didn't know it was this easy! Take something to cleanse you of parasites: * Ivermectin - If your government hasn't outlawed it! If they have, just find some anyway. * Wormwood Check out Dr. Lee Merritt's "Parasite Protocol" o
Common sense should be true regardless of your point of view. (sing it) Common sense isn't as common these days. I would say the propaganda machine including schools has something to do with this. I'm sure everyone, of the public, would say that keeping your expenses within your means is common sense. Healthy air, food and water is common sense. Wanting to improve the experience on Earth is commo