Outside The Box

You can be anything you want.
Try the outside-the-box experience.

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Welcome to a New Way of Thinking

Your thoughts manifest and create everything you experience. Just by saying and knowing, "Everything heals me!", heals you and clears up a lot of propaganda you've been told throughout your lifetime and that of your parents.

Forgive the past and move forward in love

Current Articles from All Lightworkers

To view all articles from a lightworker, click their name on an article below or search for a lightworker
Be at peace with yourself

I had a message come to me while in a semi-sleeping state - be at peace with yourself. What does that mean? Does it matter? It definately matters. I like to use a similar phrase, "Be in your zen." Don't let others or the expectation that others should do things your way bring you out of your heart space. Know that right now, everything is fine. Feel your inner peace. Guide: You have something mo

The dumb ones

I've been reading Dr. J's second book on the Xanue and he has a chapter on questions about "the dumb ones." I choose to not give them any energy, so instead of calling them demons or evil - "the dumb ones" will suffice. Dr. J mentioned that they try to cause turmoil and break up his relationship. That happens to me as well! When you're in your heart-space, however, they have no control over you.

Frequency is everything

The goal of the message is to share how your frequency or level of heart space affects your experience. There is a lot of evil being shown these days. Send love. If you live close to help people in need directly, then do that, but be careful of sending money to the "large organizations" as they are probably part of the evil system. Your frequency directly affects your experience. When one is in f

Someone told me

...they'd like to talk with their guides after reading my website. I have good news! Start now. First, know you are multidimensional and very powerful. You can access these dimensions using your imagination. Your guides will interact with your imagination "screen." Connect any way you'd like; You just have to set the intention to connect and you will. Second try the "Sitting on the bench" medit

The beginning of a great year

There is a new energy this year. The frequency of change... to abundance of course. It's 11:14 on 1/4 as I'm reflecting on what to say. I predict this is the year we spend more time with the family. Abundance starts now and zero-point energy is available to anyone that would like it. Music and composition will occupy more of my time. I have a mixer with proper microphones so my music will sound

Open your heart

It's the solstice, and time of great wondrous change to abundance in our experience and I'm giving away my song Open your heart from the Beautiful Day album. An open heart will be useful to smooth your transition from division to abundance and cooperation. What do I mean about division? It's all over politics, sports, language, social hierarchies, countries with money valued at 0.0001 compared to

The store is available

I know you all are rushing to the store right now. Just know that your cart can only hold items from one lightworker at a time - as funds go directly to the lightworker. Nothing is kept by the service provider: mylightworker.org. There are savings if paying via e-transfer vs other means. Check it out (using e-transfer of course!)

Cancer is caused by parasites

Or rather your diagnosis of cancer could just be a parasite nest. Gross, yes; Easy to treat, yes! I knew we had a treatment (c.u.r.e) for "cancer" (a.k.a parasites), but didn't know it was this easy! Take something to cleanse you of parasites: * Ivermectin - If your government hasn't outlawed it! If they have, just find some anyway. * Wormwood Check out Dr. Lee Merritt's "Parasite Protocol" o

It's not your fault

Your "food" may not actually be food. It's edible, but not natural and your body cannot process it. Take margarine, it's plastic and made from petroleum. Ask your bakery what contains real butter? Many will say, "Nothing here is made from real butter." They get pails of petroleum based spreads with artificial flavouring. It looks perfect, tastes great, but it's not food your body can process. We

Financial corruption to ponder

We've been living in a debt-slave society for too long. The USD is maybe worth 3 cents, but their mainstream news is still selling lies that other countries should peg to their dollar. How about this... All the countries who have been pillaged financially and physically by the US get together, create a gold backed currency (BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa +100s of other countri

The bigfoot, forest people. The Xanue

The Xanue are a high-vibration race (look nice) and have to lower their vibration to be seen by us. They are often confused with the Treykon which look mean, are lower vibration, "stuck in their meat suits", and take children. The Treykon were brought to Earth to mine gold for the Anunnaki -- like the mining pit we call the Grand Canyon. Ok, lets take a step back. My journey and experience with

Thank you, guides

It's been a long time since I started to play the guitar. It was something to replace watching TV and has been a great decision. I started this article with the idea of thanking my guides for suggesting I record my songs and they said... Guide: We didn't make the songs; You did. Lets take a step back a few years ago. I was playing the guitar and started to sing about the day. My guide recomme

Today is the eleven-eleven 1111 portal

It's time to ground the incoming portal energies into Mother Earth; Raising the frequency of everything. Why is this important? It's a time to be happy and celebrate something positive. We are receiving energetic help via our friends via the Sun portal. Everything has a portal, the Sun, the Earth, you, me. It's your heart portal. We are the interface that can ground these positive energies into M

MedBed experience

JP retired from the army with a heart issue caused by the injection. This video is his experience. He is asked to run laps to test his heart. He was healed and says he feels like he's 20. Healing is freedom from the medical and pharma corporations. Imagine your own Star Trek future with synthesizers, tri-quarters, medbeds and space travel. We already have these things in black projects - you pa

I didn't plan this

Everything happens for a reason; There are no coincidences. Today, I posted album 3 of 6 called We Manifest All. It has 11 songs and the play time is 01:11:00. That's a lot of ones! A lot of angel numbers telling me I'm on the right path. The We Manifest All album really helps to flush out the old ways of thinking. The new way of thinking is that you manifest everything! Now, I have to go change

Sit down on the bench

I'm sitting looking at a cabinet made by my friends father. I see the cabinet in my minds-eye (imagination) holding a bunch of stuff and a checkmark on it. It's like he is telling me it's strong. I was thinking that it was strong. He later tells me the following. 'Next time you see Troy, give him a hug from me. -- Troy's father' I start to tear up.

Outside the box

Know that you create your experience and "just send love" sums it up pretty good. As you read this article, keep sending love. Inside the box... Lies. Fear. Giving your power away to others. Just send love. Outside the box... You are the most powerful being in your experience. Your imagination and emotion are used to manifest your experience, so use those tools and imagine a fantastic experience

Time for freedom

Free from what? The box that controls how you think and wants you to keep busy, so you don't have time to question anything. What is the box? It's conformity; The way we've done things for our lifetime. No questions asked. It's keeping yourself small and giving your power away. It's lies that we all think are true. History is just his-story. Manufactured control over you and me -- until you step

Mother Earth will help

Your friends, guides and helpers include mother Earth. Try a couple of healing techniques next time you need it: 1. Imagine a torriod (doughnut) of energy going through you and Earth. In through your head, out from your feet and into mother Earth. Have it cycle back through your head. 2. Use the power of conscious breathing, to breath a blue light from mother Earth into your feet and up to your

You are a superhero

I've been using my powers of manifestation and telepathy for years now, it just gets easier everyday. I had a great conversation with a young girl who said she was communicating, telepathically, with her friend and cat! The children encarnating on Earth these days really do come in with more of their superpowers - it's up to their families and friends to encourage using their powers. A heart con