Everything is free (Part 2)
I wrote a good article on the topic "Everything is free" two years ago. Check out the link at the end of the article. It's worth a revisit for new readers. A part of manifestation is that you have to "believe it before you'll see it." Even if you don't know how it's going to work -- put out the intention that everything is free.

We have the technology

Have you ever watched Star Trek where the captain says, "Earl Grey tea, hot!" He opens up a device that looks like a microwave and takes out the tea in a cup. That's a game-changer for food and I'm sure it includes other items you use everyday.

Extraterrestrials have clothing that fits tightly to their body. It's created using trans-dimensional manufacturing. Their clothes just appear on them and are removed in the same way.

We have technology 1000 years more advanced in Project Solar Warden -- Alex Collier

Cooperation replaces competition

Cooperating, we can move much farther. Now that everyone has food, water and clothing. We can look at shelter. The old-fashioned barn-raising is a good example of a community coming together to help one another.

Now that no one has to work, we can cooperate to make good software, gadgets, art and crafts, sit and chat with friends -- explore space. Just like Star Trek.

Free, zero-point energy

Imagine all the good that can be done with free, zero-point, energy. We can heat our homes for free, no connection to the grid is required. No button-pushers to raise prices at their own whim.

Everyone is free. We haven't see anything like this in our lifetime.

Everyone is free -- It has a nice ring to it.

Keep sending out love, we'll see this in our lifetime.