What does it mean to awaken? It's the realization you are a multi-dimensional being, full of energy, love and light and you manifest your reality. We have free-will, so you can choose to not have that experience as well. One of the first things I did after I had an awakening during my 7-day meditation and vegan challenge -- I thought of what I kind of person I wanted to be, not what society teaches you to be be. I've said this before, but it's worth saying again -- Turn off the TV, mainstream news, movies -- these are the mechanisms used to spew out the propaganda that is used to control you.
If you are angry, know that you are stupid -- Sadhguru
This is one propaganda item that is pushed from birth. Your parents want you to get a "good" education so you can make lots of money. You're taught to buy into a system that requires you to keep working to buy more stuff, so you have to keep working to buy bigger and better stuff. Drop the idea that you need external things to make you happy and go within -- meditate.
Distractions from you Manifesting your Reality
All of the electronic devices, alcohol, TV, mainstream news, movies are distractions to keep you from going within. You manifest what you're thinking, so you see violence on TV and think -- "Oh my, the streets aren't safe." They were perfectly fine until you started thinking like that for years. If you are seeing narratives that have you taking sides, that's the system.
What can you do?
It's not difficult and you don't need to join a course to learn it.
If you want to change how you think, change your vibration.
- Be a nice person.
- Treat others as you would have them do unto you.
- If you are angry at another person, know it's you! It's an opportunity to feel that feeling then let it go. If you react in anger toward the other person, you'll just get an opportunity to deal with that situation again.
I recommend watching this Alba Wienman video #403 - The Awakening.