Another amazing story
All of my articles are based on my experience. I always say "When you believe it; You'll see it." This week I had my own experience of something appearing from "no where." Here is my story...

I have a dental splint from years ago to prevent grinding my teeth while I sleep. A couple weeks ago, I remember putting the splint on the side table by the bed. Then last week I remember it was a least five days since I slept using the splint.

I noticed my gum was healing around my "self-healed" tooth; That's another story, "I do not consent to a root canal," I'll link below. I spent at least 3 days looking for the splint, took the drawers out from the side table to check if it fell behind the side table. Looked around the bed. Looked in the cabinet drawer. Looked around the bedroom. I didn't find it.

Since my gum was healing, I figured the plastic in my mouth probably wasn't the healthiest thing for me so I came to the conclusion I didn't need it anymore.

That night, I tossed the sheets back before going to bed and there was my splint in between the sheets where I sleep!

How did it get there?

Once I saw my splint, the story of "The lady and the cat" immediately came to mind (included below), but I feel it was the work of my friends, guides and helpers. They put the splint in a place that I would never have left it. I would have felt sleeping on it. Only after I came to the conclusion for myself that I didn't need the splint anymore, they returned it to me.

There are possible explanations:
  • I manifested it to return - We manifest everything, so this is valid.
  • Tricksters that might take your keys and return them later - My guides have played games with me to help me with discernment, so this is valid as well.

The Lady and the Cat

This lady is sitting out in a field on a rock. There is snow all around the field. She's thinking of her cat and her cat appears in front of her in the snow -- and there are no tracks leading up to the cat.

In Summary

I know stuff appearing "out of thin air" is possible and that our experience on Earth is not only a physical one, but one that we are multi-dimensional beings and manifest our reality. My guides wanted to show me that I didn't need the splint anymore, but instead of telling me, they had me figure it out for myself.

Guide: What's the fun in that? (telling you)

I complete article.

Guide: Have a nice day, Jason.

Have a nice day, everyone. Keep imagining what you'd like to experience -- you manifest your reality after all 😃