Everything is free
February 26, 2022
"Everything is free." It's not something you hear much these days. When I tell people that's what I'm manifesting -- Everything is free, they come back at me explaining why it'll never work. They're using what they've been taught and lived for generations. They're in their mind, not the heart. If you connect with your heart, you'll get things like, "Everything is free," and it makes sense.
Guide: Hi Jason.
Jason: (I chuckle) Yes, I really did chuckle.
There was a time when I was in the "Matrix" and never thought of spirit guides. I wanted everything to be free, but really didn't feel it was possible. Now, I know it's possible. Just like talking to your spirit guides or passed family members is possible. Everything is possible, so that includes "Everything is free."
Jason: (I chuckle again) Your guides work like that. They say "Hi Jason" and it brings up something to write I thank my guide.
Guide: Your welcome.
Jason: (I start crying) It's ok, it's what happens when you're in your heart ❤ space.
I suppose that's another article you can read titled, "It's time to move into your heart ❤ space." The link will be at the bottom of this article.
Everything is free
How it'll work... See that's why people don't believe everything being free will work, because they try to picture it in their heads. What has to happen to make things free? My answer is.. You'll like it. We manifest our reality, you don't have to know how we get there, you just imagine and feel what it's like to experience "Everything is free."
One thing that does help with the knowing that "Everything is free" is that "People grow food; Money does nothing." Ahh, now we're getting somewhere. People are kind and generous. People love helping people. When someone doesn't have to toil for food, water, clothing, shelter and everything else. It frees us up to have an experience that is truly freedom.
We have the technology to support everyone for free. Elena Danaan and Jean Charles Moyen both talk of encountering a mess-hall where people lined up at food synthesizers to get a meal. It might have been on Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter. You can check out the video below called, "STARSEED REVELATION - Movies based on real-life experience into the Secret Space Programs." It's not a secret anymore.
Even without the technology, the knowing that people do everything makes it possible for "everything is free" to work.
Our systems of education, religion, governments and healthcare are all a controlled narrative. We are taught to look outside of ourselves, while all of the answers are within us. Healing can be as easy as thinking, "Thank you body, for being healthy. I get better everyday. Thank you pain, for the experience, but I no longer need that experience and I let you go." I just saved each country a billion dollars in healthcare.
Everyone is equal
It comes down to knowing that everyone is equal. Anything with eyes and a heart is a living being and deserves to have their experience. When you think you're better than someone else, or you put someone else on a pedestal, things get unbalanced.
A system that is built on treating people differently will never be a free society. See how I changed the topic? Now I'm talking about being free, a sovereign being. There is a saying, "You can't free someone if they willingly want to follow their captors." Something like that.
I know that thoughts in my head, may not be my own. There is mind-control all around in TV, gaming, music and movies. If you're thinking something that your heart doesn't agree with, just breath a few moments (in through the nose for 3 seconds, out through the mouth for 3 seconds and repeat a couple of times). Now think "What does my heart say?" and follow that idea. You can revoke any negative thoughts and substitute a positive thought. Revoke any idea that goes against "Everything is free."
Help someone out. My neighbour loaned me his table saw and I shoveled his walk and cleared his car of snow. That's taking action toward everything is free. It's people that make the world we live in.
In conclusion, when we free ourselves from the system holding us back, we'll be able to see how "Everything is free" is possible and a realistic goal.