Help when Overwhelmed, Psychic Attacks
I have this story of meeting someone on the commuter train that needed some guidance. It got me to thinking of my "experience" and that sometimes things may not be the blissful expansion you're looking for until you learn how to take control of the situation.

The Story

I was sitting across from this man who was wearing a shawl over his head and talking out loud to some spiritual being(s). A benevolent one seemed to inhabit his stuff animal and others appeared to be around him. I can only assume that the ones around him were goading him as he was cursing at them, talking about his heart chakra, while consoling his stuffed animal.

This was the first time I was exposed to someone having this problem and I was thinking "What can I say quickly that can help this person?" He spoke of waking to the Sun and I asked him, "Talking to the Sun?", he said "No, you know, waking up to the Sun..."

My Experience

Months after I awakened, I quit my job to follow my path. Being immersed in spiritual pursuits all day really allows one to advance quite quickly. In the morning my guides would teach me things and in the afternoon, or evening, I would have an "experience" to use what I learned which sometimes lead into the morning. Overall, the lessons were about controlling my thoughts, exercising my power and ignoring thoughts that didn't serve me.

What Can I Do?

We are Source creator beings after all and can exercise our free will and sovereignty to take control of the situation.

My guide just said there were too many titles. I laughed.

Some of the things I could have said were:

  1. It appears your talking with a being that is not for your highest good. Know that your thoughts may not be your own and you can speak with them telepathically by just thinking.

  2. I recommend imagining surrounding yourself with a white bubble that protects you such that only that for your highest good may enter. Ask for help from your benevolent spirit guides.

  3. If you hear thoughts that you don't agree with ignore and revoke them.

  4. I could have said the Dreamtime Revocation for him and have him say "Yes."

Get Help

  • The Dreamtime Revocation can be found on TheLifting's website, "Wards, Revocations, and Audits" PDF.

  • Connect with your benevolent spirit guides

  • Search for a lightworker

  • Do a healing journey