Always start off positive
May 30, 2024
Years ago I recommended you wake up and say “It’s a beautiful day!”, without looking outside. I extend this idea to all your conversations - face to-face or not. Keep the vibration high.
I ask my guide for some ideas. I’m shown the food synthesizer… like Star Trek. It doesn’t match the conversation, but they keep showing me these visions to help me manifest them.
I have a “relax” to clear a storm.
One way to keep a conversation positive is to use positive words. I’m taking a break. Taking is not good. Break is not a high vibe word either. “I’m having a relax,” feels better to me.
Now, what if you have something to say that is standing in your power - say it, but in a positive way.
1. Standing in your power: I have to type.
2. Not Standing in your power: You are “not nice”.
The first phrase is just you, saying what experience you’d like to have. The second phrase is putting someone down; Neither positive nor required.
The storm has passed now. It was more of a healing rain - which I prefer.
This makes me think back to my guide’s message. To manifest a wonderful experience, you have to live, feel and enact it in the now moment.
Thank you.
Guide: You’re welcome 🙂❤️
It’s a beautiful day. (Ending positive is good too)