A Conversation with Archangel Metatron
Here is another guided article that shows that we are multidimensional beings and you can get guidance from within if you just ignore your ego for a moment. In the case of Nilesh, he is a fractal of Archangel Metatron, so he calls Source "Father". In Alba Weinman video #299 they talk about just chilling and hearing a call from Earth for help. Metatron wasn't the only spirit to answer the call.

You can get answers from within as well by meditating and asking your spirit guides for help. See my meditation page for more information, including protection. I demonstrate this by doing my own meditative journey with Archangel Metatron which is included at the end of this article.

  • 290 Alba Weinman - Metatron
    In this hypnosis session, this client visits a past life and then I have a conversation with “Father” about Metatron and the light he will be sending to Earth to help Gaia transcend.

  • 299 Alba Weinman - Metatron Shares God’s Divine Plan in a Conversation with Father
    In this hypnosis session, Nilesh (AKA “Metatron”) returns and gets a glimpse of heaven before channeling the one he calls “Father” (Source, Creator, God). He shares a vision of God’s Divine Plan and Father speaks directly to men regarding their male energy and spirituality.

We've been everything

I added this video because, although it's not about Metatron, people might think Nilesh is making it up. Would you make up that you were a bear or a star in a past life?

  • 305 Alba Weinman - Speak Your Truth Like a Shining Star
    In this Spiritual Journey of Forgiveness ™ hypnosis session, this client experiences a past life as a bear where we are given a message to respect life. She then connects with her Higher Self to understand the meaning of her vivid dreams and to learn about her connection with the stars.

My own meditative journey with Metatron

My guide always tells me to know who I'm talking to and shows it at the beginning of this telepathic communication. Furthermore, always use discernment on the message being given during a journey.

This is a journey I had after watching 299 Alba Weinman - Metatron Shares God’s Divine Plan in a Conversation with Father. What else was I going to do?

  • Jason: I'm going to do some protection then have a discussion with Archangel Metatron.
    My protection is done (see my Meditation page for more information, it's just visualization).

    I set the intention to talk with Archangel Metatron, to thank him for coming thru Alba's hypnosis.

    Jason: (laughing out loud) I was thanking him.
    Metatron: Why are you thanking me? or Why do you think I'm Archangel Metatron?
    Jason: Did [...] put you up to this?
    Metatron: Yes.

    Jason: (laugh) I guess laughter is the best medicine.
    Metatron: Laughter is the best medicine.

    I hear Metatron say, Jason, it's [...].
    And I get ...
    This is new energy though.
    It's not [...'s] energy.

    So, I ask Metatron, …
    Metatron: You can call me Metatron.
    Jason: What can you tell me about [...]?
    Metatron: Oh, what's not to say? (he's joking)

    Jason: You sound more serious on the videos.
    Metatron: There I'm trying to talk to the world and not just have a conversation.
    Jason, do you have a question?
    Jason: Am I on my path?
    Metatron: Jason, how many times do we have to tell you that you're on your path.

    (My right leg is very energized)

    Jason: You said, "We".
    Metatron: You don't think we're all here helping you?
    Jason: Well, I mainly just talk to [...].

    (laugh out loud)

    Metatron: That's because you hug everyone.
    We all talk about it.
    We all want to help you.

    Jason: What about my twin-flame?
    Metatron: Well, [...] is with you, but ...
    (He said something about ...)
    [She] will be coming along.
    Jason: Are you serious?
    Metatron: The future is what you make of it.

    Jason: I want to be a healer.
    Metatron: You've been healer in other lifetimes.
    Jason: What kind of healing do I do?
    Metatron: You'll find out in time.

    (I get a jolt of energy)

    Jason: I was telling him I was going to put an article up on my website after seeing that second Metatron video.
    Metatron: Thanks, I knew you'd do that.
    Jason: I'm telling him about the Star video as well.
    Metatron: Jason, you're just chatting with me like we're pals or something.
    What gives?
    What's up with that?
    Jason: We are pals.
    Metatron: Are you friends with everyone?
    Jason: I can be, but I don't have to be. People have their free will.
    Metatron: I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Jason: You know my life has gotten awesome.
    Metatron: It'll only get better.
    Jason: Are you spreading "Everyone Has Shelter" around?
    Metatron: He winks ;)

    Jason: Do you have any questions for me?
    (laugh out loud)
    Metatron: Why do you think I'd have any questions for you?
    Jason: That was funny. (laughing)
    That's a question for me.
    I didn't plan that!

    Metatron: Jason, what makes you think you can talk to Metatron?
    Jason: I can talk to anyone if I put my mind to it.
    (NB: Just set the intention)

    Metatron: Are you going to put this in the Metatron article?
    Jason: Yeah, I could. It might have some personal stuff in it.
    Metatron: Do you care?
    Jason: No.

    Metatron: Do you have any other questions?
    Jason: (I'm thinking)
    Metatron: You can think, but you don't have anymore.

    (I have a more intense left leg activation and I have higher energy overall)

    Jason: I ask him about [...].
    Metatron: She's a good girl, take care of her.

    Jason: I thank him for his time.
    Metatron: He thanks me for giving a shit.

    ........... Ends at 14:04 (144)