Choose Love (Part 2)
We are creators of universes masquerading as a human -- Alicia Power. There are a lot of distractions out there -- in the end just choose love. Send love, be open to receiving love (energetically at least), and you'll see a change in your experience. If you are feeling pressure economically, from work, or from friends, choose what you'd like to experience and send love.

Guide: We're not helping.
Jason: (chuckle) I know they'll help write this article in some way 😃

I have my music playing in the background. It's my music, I just sat down played a few chords on the guitar and started to sing. It resonates with me and it's empowering. I'm planning on publishing them on this website for others to enjoy.

The thing about my songs that resonates is that it reinforces "We are creators of universes masquerading as a human -- Alicia Power" You might ask, “Why offer someone else's site?”, see the link at the end of the article, which requires payment to talk to your guides when you can just do it yourself following my free article "Connect with your Spirit Guides:" It's time to move to the next step.

The best hidden secret is that you manifest everything in your experience by the vibration you’re sending out -- so choose love. It’s easier to cope and help others when you know there is no death. Yes the physical body dies, but you are the spirit / soul that inhabits the physical body for an experience. You choose your experience.

Guide: It's kinda preachy.
Jason: (chuckle) It's just sharing information.
Guide: Why not just say, "Talk to your guide."
Jason: I'm just backing up what I'm saying with my own experience.
Guide: Oh, like you're having a great time.
Jason: Yes.

You can use Telepathy...

Everyone is having their own experience. One thing about Alicia Power, is that she says she's a "Master Telepath" and doesn't encourage her students to use telepathy to talk with their guides. I talk with whomever I want, of love and light, and I encourage everyone to be the "creator of universes" that they are. See my articles on:

  • A Conversation with Archangel Metatron
  • 001 Weekly Chat, You can talk to whomever you want

How to have a great time when others are not...

I was working on building a large gate in the backyard to move vehicles in and out. After work, I'd spend another 7 hours working on the gate and the day after it was completed -- it snowed. That's an example of having a great experience. My neighbours always want me to borrow or use their tools as well. The neighbour across the back alley brought his work light and a T-power-splitter over to me late in the evening. I said, "It's ok, I'm fine." He said, "Take them, I don't need them until next Spring." I used them for a couple of days and I'm ready to return them. That's a good experience.

Guide: Jason, what does this mean?

The time to try something new is NOW. If you don't change, you won't see your external reality change. Sending love is really easy -- you may have to clear a lot of old programming of hate or "I know what's best and everyone has to do things my way." (chuckle) It's easy after that 😃

Guide: Are you saying, "The more you send love, the easier it gets."

Yes. I start tearing up -- it tells me I'm connecting with my guides, friends and helpers. They are real. I recall time at the beginning of my journey after quitting my job, I was only talking to my guides for a period of about 3 months -- telepathically of course. I went to the grocery store and spoke with the clerk and my voice was really rough 😃 If you are physically isolated and alone, try talking with your guides, you'll be truly happy and manifest new friends in the physical that have the same, higher, vibration.

Guide: How are you going to end this article.

Choose love, it's that easy.

Guide: Thank you, Jason.
Jason: Thank you for the help.
Guide: It was easy. We didn't do much.

The time for change is now. I'm seeing a lot of good things happen, just send love and things will get better -- oh, and send out the vibration of abundance for everyone. The old system is being replaced by abundance for everyone.

Guide: That's enough. Do you really think people will read this far.
Jason: I haven't written a large article in awhile. It'll resonate with someone to start a New Way of Thinking.
Guide: It will.

Choose love.