I Quit Spotify
Be the change you want to see in the world. I decided to quit Spotify this week. I didn't change to another streaming platform, nor do I plan on listening for free -- I can't listen to commercials. I wasn't trying to save $15 a month. I put as my explanation that, "I choose to support artists and not music companies."

This is a big step -- kinda like the one where I thought I'd never take transit to work and once I set my intention on finding a job close to transit, it was an easy transition.

I still listen to Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip though. He was one of the first people I visited while I was just starting to talk to my spirit guides (friends and family). You can read my article A Message from Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip.

We need to stop supporting satanic people and their businesses. Your popular TV and movie stars and musicians are most likely taking part in satanic rituals and human trafficking / abuse. When you see your stars covering one eye (all seeing eye) or putting one hand in their jacket (hidden hand), it's a sign they are a part of a satanic organization. Some of the album covers are overtly satanic as well. I choose to not support that stuff.

I already stopped shopping at Wa[snip]art and won't touch other stores like Wa[snip]air and Bed[snip]. Look for the good people running little local shops. Support your local community. Go to the farmer's markets.

Other ways we can change the system:

  • Stop going to the hospital and relying on doctors that are only there to push pharmaceuticals - Go to a natural healer or heal yourself. Have a swig of Citrus Tea daily and have a swig (2 tablespoons) every 2 hours if you feel something coming on.

  • Teach your children at home - They'll be happier and healthier and won't be programmed to be good little workers and do what their told. Encourage them to use their imagination.

  • Talk your neighbours - When we work together, we can do amazing things. Start by talking to your neighbours or people you see as you're taking a walk.

  • Take a walk - Get outside and feel the Sun on your face. It's healthy -- not like the system tells you.

  • Do some crafts - When you're not watching TV, you have time to create. Use your imagination!

It all starts with imagination and ignoring anything negative you may hear. You manifest your reality, so why would you listen to anyone spouting negativity?

It's time for a walk...