We have the final say
I watched and participated in Elena Danaan's meditation on creating a positive timeline in the planetary matrix. It's 2 hours, but you are engaged and it's refreshing to watch because it empowers you with information. If kids had this information in school, they'd actually want to attend! It's very refreshing.

Love vs Disharmony

One topic they bring up, is that the vibration of a fine wine can bring-up the vibration of a lessor wine so that it tastes of a fine wine. Furthermore a measure of coherent water (love) dropped into a vat of disharmonious water will transform the batch into harmonious water, but the reverse is not true. Disharmonious water cannot affect coherent water.

This is analogous to a man or woman waking up to the knowledge they are infinite consciousness have a personal experience and they manifest their reality. The low vibration of doomsday messages has no affect on you. It's like you can see through all the lies.

To summarize, once you're in a love vibration, it's easier to stay there. To get there, you need a lot of forgiveness, understanding and drop the need to be right. No one defines you; You define yourself.

Manifest in the now and in the positive

When manifesting, focus on peace or everyone having food, water, clothing and shelter. For example, if you want to manifest everyone having food. Don't think of a hungry man or woman getting food. Just think that everyone has food and is abundant.

The subconscious doesn't comprehend "not" or "don't" it drops those words and the resulting message is the opposite of what you intended.

Manifesting in the now is important, such that one should say "everyone has food", not "may everyone have food". May is not a definitive in the now moment like "has".

We are superheros

We are the power on Earth. We are the ones with telepathy, teleportation and manifestation skills. We just have to practice using them. Start by watching this video by Dan and Elena and know that you are powerful.