The Time of Separation is Over
It's Canada Day...
Or better yet, Earth Day or Human Collective Day. The idea of borders, I'm better than, fences are all feeding into the idea of separation. What you are thinking is what you're giving power to. It's manifestation and that's how it works.
How Do I Change?
I'm not the same person I was two years ago and I'm grateful that I sat down with a blank sheet of paper and wrote down points that describe the kind of person I wanted to be and what I wanted to see in the world. I'm reading my list now and all the points have to do with improving humanity. Summarized by "Everyone Has Food, Water, Clothing and Shelter" except for one point which amazes me because it's for me, but for everyone at the same time:
I am god, boundless, healthy, wise, wealthy, generous and kind -- Jason Monds
I'm all of those and so are you if you want to be. I would like to clarify wealth though. It's not the materialism wealth in the sense of accumulating things, but the idea that you have all that you need. I would also like to clarify "god" is not a religious deity -- it's you having control of all you experience and it doesn't require looking at something external from you. Give power to yourself and look within!
I would like to add that we're all healers!
In order to change, you have to want to change. Stop the intake of the programming from TV, "official" news broadcasts, movies and start looking within. As you purge the old ideas, set the intention that new ones of love and light will fill the voids created. I laugh now at people honking their horns in traffic. I hear "I love you" and the more they honk, the more they love! I was walking across an intersection and this car honked as they cut in front of me and I waved by instinct -- they looked at me as if I was giving them the finger, but I was smiling and it was an open-hand wave. I laughed at that incident because one could have taken offense to being cut off, but there was no need for that kind of reaction.
Turn off the News
How do you feel after you watch the news? I haven't watch the news for years, so I'm guessing that it's still full of "crime, murder and fear". You know why, because it's what the few people that run the news media and economy will profit from.
What if they told everyone "You're all healers" or "That UFO we just showed you, we've been using that technology for years and the rocket launches are just for show." Think how we wouldn't need doctors or pills. I healed my knee and my shoulder just by thanking them and sending them love & hugs when they hurt -- it's that easy.
I healed my knee and my shoulder just by thanking them and sending them love & hugs when they hurt -- it's that easy -- Jason Monds
You do not require going to school to learn how you're a healer. Just heal the way you want to heal. Start by sending love -- after all everything is love. You have cancer? Well, meditate (sit quietly) and feel why you've manifested that experience. That's how it works. Pills are just covering up the symptoms while looking within is true healing. You can cure yourself overnight. At least say the affirmation, "I get better everyday" or "I am healthier everyday" and take it one day at a time. Have a sore joint -- send it love and healing thoughts. Just think "I love you."
Manifest Differently
Manifestation doesn't requiring knowing the exact details of how we'll get to the end-goal. My guides have told me that when I imagine Everyone Has Food, just see everyone as having food -- not someone hungry that is eating. I imagine a future where everything is free! Everyone Has Food, Water, Clothing and Shelter, so why would you have to do a 9-5 job? Everyone is equal, so where are you going to find someone to clean your house?
Everything is energy, vibration and frequency. When we, as a collective, hold a higher vibration the old lower-vibration experiences will fall away and be replaced. That's what happening now. The old system is falling away and it's being replaced by a higher vibration one -- no need to fear. Change is blissful expansion, I always say.
How am I Different Today?
A clerk taking people's temperature in the lobby of my office tower, asked "Do you have any symptoms today?" I replied, "Happiness." He chuckled and said, "Ok."
Here are some of the things I'm grateful for or have changed in the last two year:
- I talk to my spirit guides all the time - This is the best way to realize we're not what everyone is taught.
- We are telepathic - How do you think I talk to my spirit guides - ok, sometime it's just a feeling or knowing (the 'clair' powers we all have)
- I take transit - I don't miss driving my car at all, but I use it to go grocery shopping once a week.
- I listen to Country music (actually all music) - I have to change lyrics to most songs to "love and hugs", but the fact that I'm not judging Country music is a huge step forward. I've done a lot of inner-work on judgment. Remember, if you hate something external from you, it's you not them! So go within and feel what they're bringing up in you to change or transmute.
- I feed the birds - They have a high pitched song. It's just them talking, but having them around is nice.
- I say Hi to people on the street - Yes, even if they don't want it :)
- I help people - Do what you can. Even if it's just to listen.
- I hug my spirit guides - They told me to say that. Thoughts are things and what you're thinking may not have originated from you.
- Time doesn't exist - All points in space and time are connected in the now moment. So don't dwell in the past or future, you've manifested what you're experiencing now. So thank it and manifest differently in the now moment if you would like to improve something. Send all love.
- Dreams are real - I've woken up from a dream or met people in a dream that I communicate with while awake. I have taken over dreams that were dark with love and I immediately wake up -- the system is trying to keep us in fear. Send love to everything and we'll all benefit from it.
What's Possible?
Everything is possible. We are kept separate by the system because together we are powerful. No one has to work -- we can manifest all we need. We don't need phones -- we have telepathy. We don't need cars -- we have teleportation.
My Mom said, "Wouldn't everyone be bored?". I replied, "It's a nice problem to have."
Just start by sending love to everything, no judgments of those who are different from you. We can all agree on everyone having food, water, clothing and shelter. We don't have to agree on everything.
My guide says, "Print!" :)