Send Love
We are drawn to taking a side. Your friends, family and media all have different views. Some of their views may be different or the same as yours, but in the end it's up to you to decide what to do.

I find the easiest choice is to send love.

Send love to both sides and yourself -- as it's love that will expose all.

It's not a matter of right and wrong; It's a matter of love and light. The world can use more love.

How does one send love?

Good question. The answer is anyway you want; You are a source-energy creator being after all.

I send love by imagining pure white source-light radiating from within me and it radiates outward to encompass Earth and continues out to the edges of the Universe. You can imaging filling an area on Earth where there is conflict with love -- it helps.

Here is a video from Mr. Keshe of the Keshe Foundation. It talks of manifesting your reality in a different way. Which way is correct? It doesn't matter -- you are the creator; Create your way.

Creation starts with sending love.