You always have friends
This physical experience can be whatever you want. Just that phrase is the exact opposite of what we're taught -- to follow others, work hard and buy stuff. That mobile phone in your hand, you don't need it with telepathy. It's a good distraction from going within.

We are multidimensional beings. We have access to everything inside us. The system teaches you to look outside yourself to get what you need. What if all you need is love? (Ok, that's a song by the Beatles) Just like "What you give, you get back." (Scorpions) We manifest everything and love is the key. Send out love; You get back love.

Love is the key

When you are in the frequency of love, you are in your heart-space and able to access your multidimensionality.

What does this have to do with always having friends? Well, you have help from your etheric friends and family. All you have to do is ask -- this is a free-will planet and they can only connect with you if you ask.

I go downstairs to fold the sour dough bread and I hear (telepathically)...
Guide: We do math.

I think of being a student and how nice it would be to have someone to talk to anytime of the day -- and maybe help with math. You can sit back and realize what you're being taught is filtered through the lens of science -- which is also a fabrication to keep you looking outside to others for answers.

Why is it nice to have friends available at any time?

In this current experience we manifested that working is a thing. The extraterrestrials, like the Andromedans, say "Why do you have to pay to live on a planet you were born on?" Exactly, the current system is messed up.

While you are working or doing something solo, you always have a friend to talk too and the time flies by.

Guide: We tell jokes.
Jason: (chuckle) They may not be the funniest jokes.
Guide: Hey!

Guide: Why did the bird cross the road?
Jason: Why?
Guide: To get to the other side.
Jason: Why, didn't it just fly?
Guide: Hey, it's my joke.

Back to the topic...

Guide: It's a good joke.
Jason: It did make me laugh... or at least chuckle a bit.
Guide: Thanks.

While working on the green houses for 7-8 hours after work, I always had my friends, guides and helpers to talk too. You're never alone. It's a good thing.

You're actually talking with everyone, but you can believe you're just talking to yourself. -- Arcturian Council

I've included a couple of articles that were inspired by Sharon Stewart and Ivo. See the links below.
  • Thoughts are Things
  • You Are Perfect
Telepathic Message: Thank you.
Jason: I start to tear up. It's a friend, I know.

You always have friends.