Today is the eleven-eleven 1111 portal
It's time to ground the incoming portal energies into Mother Earth; Raising the frequency of everything.

Why is this important? It's a time to be happy and celebrate something positive. We are receiving energetic help via our friends via the Sun portal. Everything has a portal, the Sun, the Earth, you, me. It's your heart portal. We are the interface that can ground these positive energies into Mother Earth for a quicker transition to a better experience for everyone.

Check out the vibration chart: Moving from anger and pride to love, peace and joy will make your experiences more enjoyable. Leave judgement behind, forgive and move forward in love.

I'll be doing an 1111 meditation to ground these energies and other fun things (could include a bench 🪑 😉).

Guide: No more emojies 💖

Use your imagination to visualize grounding the energies.
Watch out for stuff appearing that you didn't put there -- it'll be your guides, friends and helpers.

Listen to this.. it's easy. When you get physical responses, it just reinforces that something is happening!