I was on the bus and overheard two students talking of not taking their ADD, ADHD medicine. I was thinking on how I could tell them they're infinite consciousness and source energy creator beings - they don't need drugs. You're not going crazy, you don't need pills for imaginary afflictions. Just talk to your local spiritual healer. My answer would be that their soul knows all the boring stuff they're being taught and they should look within and talk to their spirit guides.
If you have a broken bone or are bleeding, go see a doctor. For everything else, look within.
When one connects with their spirit guides:
- It opens up infinite possibilities
- We're not alone and never were
- You always have a friend to talk to
- They'll help you with your diet
- Everyday is fantastic because you have a different perspective
Energy Healing
People cause their own illnesses and can fix it with the right attitude and possibly some Reiki. The Astral body manifests the physical body and this story is a good example: Reiki Cures Man 70yr old Man of Heart Problems. He was slated to go into surgery for coronary artery disease. The day before surgery he had a Reiki session and was told to let out his anger by screaming into a pillow; His disease disappeared. Watch the video at the bottom of this article: PSYCHIC EPISODES Reiki Master, Maureen Rivelle + Psychic Lip Reader, Deni Luna - Ep. 42
When doing a Journey Healing on myself, see the link below, my guides kept telling me I should go see the doctor. They were only joking! It's quite a funny journey because I take my spirit guides/friends for a drive in my Camaro and they get me out of the car so they can do doughnuts. It's a zero-point, free-energy, etheric, Camaro of course!
Watch any Alba Weinman video. Her clients go to her for hypnosis which quiets the ego long enough to talk to your higher-self or other guides. Your ego will tell you this doesn't exist, just ignore it. You don't need hypnosis to connect with your higher-self or guides. The people drawn to her usually end up saying, "I knew it, but just needed confirmation". I've linked one that talks about everyone being Christ. That's another name for everyone is love, a Source Energy Creator Being and we manifest our reality.
Conventional Medicine and Big Pharma
Conventional medicine is not for healing, it's for making money by having repeat customers and selling drugs.
Searching on "tingling skin causes" returns what conventional medicine says "
Tingling or pinprick sensation on the skin can be caused by different conditions, including pressure on nerves, diabetes, injury, vitamin B12 deficiency and trapped nerves. Alcohol abuse and certain medications can also lead to the tingling feeling."
As one in contact with my spirit guides, the more energy I'm processing, the more my skin tingles. If I want it to stop (or reduce) I just set the intention. We are energy beings and tingling is natural.
To connect with your spirit guides, see my links below:
- Believe they exist. If you don't believe it, they won't exist for you
- Meditate with protection
- Ask your benevolent spirit guides to show you something on your path