You have the last say in what experience you'd like to have. The system would like you to stay in 3D, with blinders on to the fact that we're multi-dimensional. We are the super-heros in the super-hero movies, but we're being treated like the people in pods like in the movie The Matrix. I'll describe some of my recent experiences to show you that what you think matters.
My Mother Healed Her Arthritis .. again
I called my Mother and she told me of how her arthritis came back, but worse! She said she was telling her spirit guides to heal it, but nothing was happening. I told her it was her who was healing herself, not her guides. I told her to do the following when she was having pain:
- Immediately thank that part of her body for being strong
- Send love and healing to that part of her body
- Tell the pain, "Thank you for the experience, but I no longer need that experience and I let you go"
I called her back after a few days and she said the pain was gone. I called her back after a few weeks and she was still pain-free.
Follow Your Heart
The 5th dimension is heart-focused. Your ego wants to keep you in thought as it has no control over your heart. I had a neat experience where my neighbor three houses down was running his water for a couple of days. It was leaving a line of water down the back alley. I noticed it was halfway down the alley one day and the following day it was all the way down the alley, so I decided to investigate.
I went to the house two doors down and knocked on their door. We checked the back yard and they didn't realize they had a huge puddle back there. I followed the wet ground to the house next door. I knocked on their door and I was greeted by the owner -- I know him. I told him he had some water leaking down the alley. He comment, "I thought I heard water running." We went outside and checked the hose. He used it to douse a campfire he had the other night and didn't turn off the hose all the way. He thanked me profusely, concerned about how much the water would cost.
We proceeded to talk and I notice his apple tree. He said the apples were too small for him and that I could pick as many as I wanted. I came back the following day and picked about twenty apples. They were fine for me. He asked if I could drive him down to the store to get a tree and such. We setup an appointment for the next day.
At the store, we talked to the salesperson. My neighbour got along with the salesperson because of his heritage. I was guided to talk to him from my spirit guides and he was another awakened individual. He was able to bring a dying plant back to life that was returned by a customer, but planting it and sending it love. I gave him my card for the website.
Later on, my neighbour invited me over for a campfire. Keeping a long story short, let me say that it ended in marshmellows and watching the stars; Another perfect day.
In summary, I got closer to my neighbour, made new friends just by following a trail of water -- which reminds me 'I love water' :)
How Does One Change?
You can have a different experience too. Start by turning off the television. It's just a tool to program you on what the system would like you to think. What you are thinking manifests your reality, so start anew and check out my
About page and
How to Manifest Your Reality pages.