003 Your Inner-net
I like the solution I came up with for her to get her own questions answered -- use her inner-net and talk to her spirit guides! :)
What you are thinking matters
Infinite? What are you taking about? Glad you asked. There is disclosure about technology, healing beds, anti-gravity, people from other planets and galaxies, new financial systems, but what about disclosure that you can access multiple dimensions at the same time? Infinite. The only catch is that you have to believe it's possible. You, rather your mind, can hold you back. It's filled with propag
I've been reading Dr. J's second book on the Xanue and he has a chapter on questions about "the dumb ones." I choose to not give them any energy, so instead of calling them demons or evil - "the dumb ones" will suffice. Dr. J mentioned that they try to cause turmoil and break up his relationship. That happens to me as well! When you're in your heart-space, however, they have no control over you.
The goal of the message is to share how your frequency or level of heart space affects your experience. There is a lot of evil being shown these days. Send love. If you live close to help people in need directly, then do that, but be careful of sending money to the "large organizations" as they are probably part of the evil system. Your frequency directly affects your experience. When one is in f
...they'd like to talk with their guides after reading my website. I have good news! Start now. First, know you are multidimensional and very powerful. You can access these dimensions using your imagination. Your guides will interact with your imagination "screen." Connect any way you'd like; You just have to set the intention to connect and you will. Second try the "Sitting on the bench" medit
There is a new energy this year. The frequency of change... to abundance of course. It's 11:14 on 1/4 as I'm reflecting on what to say. I predict this is the year we spend more time with the family. Abundance starts now and zero-point energy is available to anyone that would like it. Music and composition will occupy more of my time. I have a mixer with proper microphones so my music will sound
It's the solstice, and time of great wondrous change to abundance in our experience and I'm giving away my song Open your heart from the Beautiful Day album. An open heart will be useful to smooth your transition from division to abundance and cooperation. What do I mean about division? It's all over politics, sports, language, social hierarchies, countries with money valued at 0.0001 compared to
Your "food" may not actually be food. It's edible, but not natural and your body cannot process it. Take margarine, it's plastic and made from petroleum. Ask your bakery what contains real butter? Many will say, "Nothing here is made from real butter." They get pails of petroleum based spreads with artificial flavouring. It looks perfect, tastes great, but it's not food your body can process. We
The Xanue are a high-vibration race (look nice) and have to lower their vibration to be seen by us. They are often confused with the Treykon which look mean, are lower vibration, "stuck in their meat suits", and take children. The Treykon were brought to Earth to mine gold for the Anunnaki -- like the mining pit we call the Grand Canyon. Ok, lets take a step back. My journey and experience with
It's been a long time since I started to play the guitar. It was something to replace watching TV and has been a great decision. I started this article with the idea of thanking my guides for suggesting I record my songs and they said... Guide: We didn't make the songs; You did. Lets take a step back a few years ago. I was playing the guitar and started to sing about the day. My guide recomme
It's time to ground the incoming portal energies into Mother Earth; Raising the frequency of everything. Why is this important? It's a time to be happy and celebrate something positive. We are receiving energetic help via our friends via the Sun portal. Everything has a portal, the Sun, the Earth, you, me. It's your heart portal. We are the interface that can ground these positive energies into M
Everything happens for a reason; There are no coincidences. Today, I posted album 3 of 6 called We Manifest All. It has 11 songs and the play time is 01:11:00. That's a lot of ones! A lot of angel numbers telling me I'm on the right path. The We Manifest All album really helps to flush out the old ways of thinking. The new way of thinking is that you manifest everything! Now, I have to go change
I'm sitting looking at a cabinet made by my friends father. I see the cabinet in my minds-eye (imagination) holding a bunch of stuff and a checkmark on it. It's like he is telling me it's strong. I was thinking that it was strong. He later tells me the following. 'Next time you see Troy, give him a hug from me. -- Troy's father' I start to tear up.
Know that you create your experience and "just send love" sums it up pretty good. As you read this article, keep sending love. Inside the box... Lies. Fear. Giving your power away to others. Just send love. Outside the box... You are the most powerful being in your experience. Your imagination and emotion are used to manifest your experience, so use those tools and imagine a fantastic experience
I've been using my powers of manifestation and telepathy for years now, it just gets easier everyday. I had a great conversation with a young girl who said she was communicating, telepathically, with her friend and cat! The children encarnating on Earth these days really do come in with more of their superpowers - it's up to their families and friends to encourage using their powers. A heart con
I had many interesting conversations yesterday. One conversation involved frequency and dimensions. The system has put the fourth dimension as 'time' to take you on this huge tangent of what might be another dimension. A dimension is just a band of frequency. I posed a question to this individual, "Is the fly, on my finger, conscious?" He answered, "No." In another conversation, a wasp was explo
When you let go of the excuses and start doing what you want, you start living. I started this article at 11:11; I didnt plan that, it just turned out that way. Leave some room in your schedule for just being and you'll notice angel numbers too. Maybe living starts with taking a walk. Saying, "Hi," to your neighbour. Thanking a sneeze for healing you and everyone in the Universe! Guide: Jas
I have this idea for an article that I wasn't exactly sure how to explain it. My guides, friends and helpers said they assist. My idea was for people to be who they really are -- inside. Be your meta-physical self; The one with heart. Guide: Want a pillow? Jason I laugh. I'm lying down. It reminds me of a Pow Wow I joined last week, presented by the Blackfoot. The presenter had his family the
There was a very strong wind in my area yesterday. I felt it represented the anger of the collective realizing we've been hood-winked. During my evening "Thank you"s I sent love & forgiveness through the collective. Today was a beautiful warm day. A blue sky with fluffy clouds. Some great friends of mine have a great saying: 'If everyone forgave right now, we'd immediately be in 5D - Arcturian
I’m at the bird sanctuary today. The sounds they make in the AM is like an orchestra. In the afternoon, they're still looking for food and enjoying the day. Life is grand when you have everything that you need. When there is abundance for everyone. Abundance for everyone. Maybe that's where this article is going. It's a beautiful afternoon; I'm just relaxing and listening to the birds. I have ev
Years ago I recommended you wake up and say “It’s a beautiful day!”, without looking outside. I extend this idea to all your conversations - face to-face or not. Keep the vibration high. I ask my guide for some ideas. I’m shown the food synthesizer… like Star Trek. It doesn’t match the conversation, but they keep showing me these visions to help me manifest them. I have a “relax” to clear a stor
I was listening to Alex Collier's most recent webinar. He mentioned the A's (Andromedan's) contacted four people on Earth. One of the contactees accepted then told his family and village about what he learned. His family and village ostracized him and he ended his experience. Guide: Jason, we love you. This story brought up two ideas: * Inside the box thinking vs outside the box thinking * You
I was looking at an old article and noticed a lot of the links were broken and fixed them; Audio files that used to be playable only on Windows now play on Mac and iOS devices too! Just like Mr. Clapper said, a lot of the people have been booted off social media because they brought up topics outside the box. Some of the offenders were: James Gilliland, David Icke and TarotByJanine. Janine is a
I wrote a good article on the topic "Everything is free" two years ago. Check out the link at the end of the article. It's worth a revisit for new readers. A part of manifestation is that you have to "believe it before you'll see it." Even if you don't know how it's going to work -- put out the intention that everything is free. We have the technology Have you ever watched Star Trek where the cap
One of the original "thruther's" I'm listening to these days is Alex Collier. There is a lot of misinformation out there and it's best just to turn things off and listen to your heart on what you'd like to experience. I listened to an old post by Alex from Februrary 17, 2017 and found what he had to say about our powers of manifestation -- we start by creating a gravity wave! No matter how we d
This physical experience can be whatever you want. Just that phrase is the exact opposite of what we're taught -- to follow others, work hard and buy stuff. That mobile phone in your hand, you don't need it with telepathy. It's a good distraction from going within. We are multidimensional beings. We have access to everything inside us. The system teaches you to look outside yourself to get what y
We are creators of universes masquerading as a human -- Alicia Power. There are a lot of distractions out there -- in the end just choose love. Send love, be open to receiving love (energetically at least), and you'll see a change in your experience. If you are feeling pressure economically, from work, or from friends, choose what you'd like to experience and send love. Guide: We're not helping.
There appears to be an increase in mind-control this past week. This brings up two important topics: 1) The voices in your head may not be your own. 2) You manifest your reality. I know the thoughts are not my own because I know what experience I want to have and when I have thoughts that go against that -- I know. Just revoke those rogue thoughts and substitute something good! Eventually the rogu
I had a friend ask me, "How do I clear the smoke in the air?" I said, "Think about a clear sky on a beautiful day." We manifest in the positive (I am) not in the negative (I don't want). Your subconscious strips all the negative phrasing and you're left with "I want". To remove the smoke, imagine sitting on the grass with flowers and it's a warm Summer day with a blue sky and a few fluffy clouds -
I met some really nice people this last week. One man mentioned his back -- an injury from many years ago was acting up and I wanted to help him out with self-healing. I described to him that we manifest everything and that he can heal himself with thought: * Thank your body for being strong * Thank the pain for the experience and let it goHe said he was feeling better toward the end of our conv
I'm in the greenhouse picking peas and I hear a bug flying against the poly. I create a gap in the wire mesh to get it on my finger. That doesn't work because the mesh is too tight. I use a bamboo pole and see if it'll climb on it. That doesn't work either. I send a message to the "Dragon fly" elders (using telepathy). The dragon fly falls between the cedar and the poly one more time. I can't s
I had a couple of interesting experiences this week. The first experience was a dream where I was walking somewhere and this lady asks me, "Are you sick?" Referring to a toque I was wearing. I remember thinking to myself, I don't get sick (or better yet for manifestation, I should have said, "I'm always healthy"). I replied, "No." I told this dream to a friend and she, knew my guides were talking
What if you sent flowers, To the one who cut you off? Etheric flowers, Using your super-powers! Send them however you want, There is no wrong way. Use your imagination and emotion, To get it done. Everyone wins when you send love, You'll get love back, it's the rule. You've manifested everything to now, You didn't know how. Now that you know, What will you do? What if you sent flo
I've been having many conversations with family and friends over the last month. Some were interested in my "powers of positive thought" ideologies, some were already seeing those that have exited this experience and moved on. Others are steadfast that they know what's happening -- inside the little box. The inquiry I received an inquiry on whether I accept submissions for a guest post. It took m
All of my articles are based on my experience. I always say "When you believe it; You'll see it." This week I had my own experience of something appearing from "no where." Here is my story... I have a dental splint from years ago to prevent grinding my teeth while I sleep. A couple weeks ago, I remember putting the splint on the side table by the bed. Then last week I remember it was a least fiv
There are so many distractions for your attention. Why? Because what we are focusing on, we give attention to and manifest it. What if everyone only focused on good things for humanity? It'd be a great experience for everyone. The change starts with you. Stop watching the mainstream news and hear what people are saying. Especially, look for first-hand accounts from people who saw things with thei
Most people I see while taking a walk aren't spending much time looking up. Some are looking down at their phones. Others have their dog tied to their waist while they're on the phone -- not really enjoying the moment. I often look at the sky to see stars, the Sun and see if the clouds are organic or not. Look at the "stars" Before going on a trip outside of the city recently, I set the intention
Last night I set the intention that my writing guide help come up with a topic for this article. As I sit down to write the article I think "I'm starting the article. What will the title be?" My guide says, "Don't blame us (on how the article turns out)" and I laugh. I call the article "It's a beautiful day" because everyday is a beautiful day -- at least in my experience. You can have any experie
Yes, Spring. I know it's February but it's Spring on the west coast, it can be spring here too. That brings me to electroculture! If you haven't heard, it's a way of harnessing aether and directing it to the soil to create a healthy environment for plants. Aether can be considered the air-space between objects. It's said there is enough energy in 1 cup of aether to ... power amazing things. I've
I was using my waterpik flosser and when gliding over the area that was getting better, I felt a sharp pain that made me flinch and drop the flosser. I looked at the area and a filling had fallen out and the nerve was exposed which had caused the pain. The following day, I called my regular dentist; He was booked such that I'd have to wait a week. Another dentist in the office had a couple of tim
I knew I wanted to write an article, but about what? I found my A Year Awakened article and thought you might like an update 😃, but first what prompted me to write an article. Someone spills a full glass of water on the couch and floor and I didn't have any angry thoughts; moreover, I asked them to sit and relax while I cleaned it up. Calm, well centered. That's a good response if you ask me, or
I finished framing the greenhouse and the garden beds -- getting it ready for next Spring. I started back in September, so that means it took about three months. Would I have started the greenhouse, if I knew it would have taken so much time? Sure! I live in a place that has manipulated weather, so it's better to have controlled conditions for growing. I'm sure the plants like it too 😃 Many peop
... you've manifested everything up to now and it'll continue. The question is will you take charge, or will you let others tell you what's in your future? Let's take a look at the weather. It snowed this weekend, +3°C and it's snowing -- looks like HAARP weather control to me. The high gas prices, colder weather, seems like someone is planning to make lots of money -- and it's not everyday you an
I told a family member about self-healing by thanking your body for being strong and thanking the pain for the experience, but you no longer need that experience and you let it go. He came up with a shorter version while walking yesterday, "Thank you pain, you can leave now." And it worked.
You control everything in your experience including your dreams. Dreams are real and when you clear all the programming out of your subconscious, you'll find yourself behaving in your dreams like you do in your waking time. Before going to bed last night, I set the intention to solve my dreams with love and hugs. Solve? Yes, solve. When you're having a negative dream, doing something like saying
I had a dream that I was looking out over a body of water and I yelled out "I am love," but in a really deep voice. There was another being there and I felt they wanted it to be a negative experience, but I turned that around and the dream quit -- just by saying "I am love." That's how powerful any phrase starting with "I am..." is and that's how powerful love is. This lady came to my door... Th
When you set the intention that everything turns out for your highest good, that's what you get. I went on a camping vacation recently and we had the best locations without making a reservation for the first 2 sites. The first camp We arrived at the camping spot late, around 9:30pm and it was getting dark. A family member was saving us a spot, but he would've had to pay for the site so he let it
We've been hoodwinked by the system to believe they know best. They say believe in the professionals (doctors dentist, weather forecasters) and we let others control our experience. What if they don't know what's best? Are you just going to follow someone else? I recommend following your heart and what you want to manifest. Competition is a construct I was participating in a sporting event, for f
I watched and participated in Elena Danaan's meditation on creating a positive timeline in the planetary matrix. It's 2 hours, but you are engaged and it's refreshing to watch because it empowers you with information. If kids had this information in school, they'd actually want to attend! It's very refreshing. Love vs Disharmony One topic they bring up, is that the vibration of a fine wine can b
I spent 10 hours installing a window in the plant house (otherwise known as a greenhouse). Some might think it's easier to call up a handyman. Some might choose to go to the grocery store instead. Others might think about all the TV or gaming they could have done. That's the old system. Since we manifest what we're putting our energy towards, I'd rather give the plants a better plant-home. The ne
Someone I know said, "It can't be rainbows and unicorns all the time." They don't know they manifest their reality. I know, it's a different way of thinking, but that's how it works. Would you rather have a great day, everyday or feel like you don't have control over your life? I can easily say that I prefer my current experience over my pre-awakened experience. Knowledge is power. Knowing that I
An anthropologist showed a game to the children of an African tribe. He placed a basket of delicious fruits near a tree trunk and told them: "The first child to reach the tree will get the basket." When he gave them the start signal, he was surprised that they walked together, holding hands until they reached the tree and shared the fruit! When he asked them why they did that when any one of them
Be the change you want to see in the world. I decided to quit Spotify this week. I didn't change to another streaming platform, nor do I plan on listening for free -- I can't listen to commercials. I wasn't trying to save $15 a month. I put as my explanation that, "I choose to support artists and not music companies." This is a big step -- kinda like the one where I thought I'd never take transit
Distractions, distractions. What to do? I say follow your own path; Choose your own destiny. You may have heard of some "events" planned by the dark, but know that we have the final thought, as we manifest our reality. I could have said, "final say," but many people don't say what they're thinking due to fear of being labelled in some way. As more people realize the system is against them, we'll
It's common for some people to resist change. They hold a wait-and-see attitude -- "I'll believe it when I see it" or they may dwell in the past thinking that has anything to do with the Now moment. They also listen to that which is external from them for what to expect in the future; Totally ignoring the fact they manifest their reality. In my experience, people only change when they've reach an
This is an article I wanted to write from the start of this website, but it wasn't until this weekend that I knew it was time. People are conditioned to look outside of themselves for approval and validation. You are enough just as you are. Be true to yourself and you'll have a wonderful experience; It'll turn out great! At the funeral (fun-eral) I attended a funeral this weekend. It's different
We are drawn to taking a side. Your friends, family and media all have different views. Some of their views may be different or the same as yours, but in the end it's up to you to decide what to do. I find the easiest choice is to send love. Send love to both sides and yourself -- as it's love that will expose all. It's not a matter of right and wrong; It's a matter of love and light. The worl
We're ascending and it's a beautiful thing, but I hear people asking "When will it happen? Will my family miss the boat?" I would like to respond to those people by saying, "Ascension is an inner journey and there is no boat to miss." Relying on something external from you is the programming of the old ways. To manifest abundance, you have to feel and recognize your abundance in the now moment. Be
In times like these, we need to keep sending out love and peace. It's a thing. It really does help. I watched the Druid Prayer for Peace by Elena Danaan and was motivated to create a song called Peace today. You can watch it below. You have a choice in how you feel. I'm sure you have family that are tied to the mainstream news; I do as well and the next time they bring something up about Russia,
"Everything is free." It's not something you hear much these days. When I tell people that's what I'm manifesting -- Everything is free, they come back at me explaining why it'll never work. They're using what they've been taught and lived for generations. They're in their mind, not the heart. If you connect with your heart, you'll get things like, "Everything is free," and it makes sense. Guide:
I have wonderful experiences daily. It's easy when everyday is beautiful 😀 I was reading Elena Dannan's book, A Gift From The Stars, and it speaks of the extraterrestrials that are or have been visiting Earth. One day, last week, while putting out bird food in the early morning I was going into the house, but decided to look at the sky. Who knows what'll be up there? It was still dark and I saw
"When people stand up, it all goes away." People are standing together for our right to free choice. They are learning that what mainstream news is saying about the trucker protest is the total opposite from what is happening on the street and are turning the TV off. That's a good thing. Tow-truck operators are refusing to tow the truckers. People are bringing food and supplies to the truckers.
It has started. Over 50,000 truckers 🚚 started a convoy to Ottawa, Canada, to stand against the mandates for crossing the border and it grew so big that they are standing to drop the mandates for everyone. They have received over $7 million in donations and they have been locked out of the funds by the corruption in big-tech, and lies from police reporting violence -- the truckers are cleaning th
Are you interested in having a better experience? Choose love! It's really that easy, but you have to use discernment. Now is the time to start changing how you deal with those around you because if you're waiting for everyone else to change, you'll be waiting a long time. When you change how you react, you'll find your experience changes as well. Your thoughts One of the greatest myths out there
A woman contacted me and asked me if I had a course to take on manifestation. I didn't at the time, but told her it was really as simple as using your imagination and feeling the emotion of experiencing that which you'd like to manifest. I figured I'd write a step-by-step guide to help you change your way of thinking. Step #1 of 5: Know that you are powerful The About page is a good place to st
I always start with "you manifest your reality." If you are being bullied into taking the jab or find another job, maybe you'll find something you like to do with people that like having you around? However, if you'd like to learn about the trespass against us when we're born, read on. 'Being angry is better than being in fear because anger is a higher vibration; Now forgive the past and move fo
I was inspired to make an inspirational video, so here it is. It's based on my song, "Forgiveness." The little box is that pushed by the mainstream. It would like us to be separate, in fear and asking for help so they can save us by putting on more restrictions. I know our spirit lives forever -- this is only one life of many thousands we have lived. When one stands in their power, they are healt
Ignore the negativity you hear everywhere - on the news, from your friends, from the person on the internet. There is a battle going on for your attention and the dark would like you to manifest their future. Spend more time in your heart-spacing imagining what you'd like to experience and that is what you'll get. How to Manifest Your Reality * Imagine what you'd like to experience * Imagine ho
Before my awakening I was watching videos on E.T.s and following Dr. Steven Greer's work. I know we have friends in space, such that I didn't have to see an E.T. craft for myself. If you are not at that stage and still believe there "might" be intelligent life off Earth, I suggest you watch the video, The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé, below. I've included Sharon's "Ashar Command Ships" webpage as it in
That’s right, we manifest our reality and that includes the weather. It’s been forecasted to be hot this week and the next — too hot for me, so I’m setting my intention for a high of 27C. We can also mediate on sending rains to those areas with fires and high temperatures. Today is, July 1st. Happy “Everyone is equal day!” That’s right, separation is so old. Time to manifest differently. All co
To whom it may concern, Let me begin by saying, you manifest your reality. You can choose to be healthy or have any experience you want. I choose to be sovereign and do not consent to the dark's plan for us. We are in a war. The dark is trying to keep us separated because they know we are powerful when we cooperate. They want to keep us in fear, as that is where they have power over us. People
...because you manifest your reality. In 2018, I had my awakening that we're more than just the 3D experience. I connected with my spirit guides and other beings. I follow my heart instead of my head. I have manifested a wonderful experience -- where if I stayed in my pre-awakening mode, I would just be working and waiting for my retirement -- I knew there was more for me. You can change your exp
They say the truth is stranger than fiction and it's true. Remember the Matrix movie where we were told "all this is to make the human into a battery"? Well it's true, but we're powering entities that feed off loosh produced when we're in fear. How do you stop that? Easy, stay in your heart space!
Did you know the human race is peaceful by nature? Have you checked-in with your heart to see what you're feeling before you react to a situation? It's ok if these concepts are new to you; We've been taught to stay in the head as that's where we can be manipulated. Your heart is the center of your power and staying in your heart-space will allow you to soar like never before. 'What you are think
You can make the shift to 5D whenever you're ready. You don't have to wait for anything external from yourself. As source-energy creator beings, we manifest everything -- our vibration attracts experiences to us to allow us to expand. If you are in a low vibration (fear), you might react in an egotistical manor to the experience as in "I'm right, they're wrong." You always have the option to chang
You are a creator being, you manifest your reality and you are perfect. It's true. 'We're magical beings. We create; We lead -- Cafe Vienna' I've included an article from Sharon Stewart in it's entirety from https://sharonandivo.weebly.com/blog#blog-post-914360747453863728. You can read it here, or from her website, a clickable link is at the bottom of the page. It's just that important to unde
You have the last say in what experience you'd like to have. The system would like you to stay in 3D, with blinders on to the fact that we're multi-dimensional. We are the super-heros in the super-hero movies, but we're being treated like the people in pods like in the movie The Matrix. I'll describe some of my recent experiences to show you that what you think matters. My Mother Healed Her Arthr
The medication for Victoria, AU worked and the government is being sued for the level 4 lock down. Sharon has asked to spread the message to meditate on rain for the west coast of the USA to put out the fires.
With the loss of the high-vibrational trees and animals, Victoria, AU was able to be brought to low vibration and they're now under Stage 4 restrictions. Sharon and Ivo of Implant Communications are asking that everyone join in a mediation to send love & light, etc to the Victoria, AU area at 9am, Noon, 5pm and 9pm in your time zone. This will raise the vibration and the situation will dissolve.
I had all these ideas, but I pause. My guide says just start writing :) I have a friend that needs some help with self-healing so I figured I'd write an article about it. Yesterday I wrote about your multidimensionality, but today will be about being a source energy creator being and manifesting health. Update for May 2021 When you have a pain or cancer or anything: * Thank the body-part (or yo
I think about writing this article and discuss it with my guide. It's 5:55am. You are here for an experience, if you would like to stay in the "physical" realm, that's ok but you're missing out on the full experience of being your higher-self in a physical body. Let me explain. We manifest our reality There are two main timelines right now, the organic (Lemurian) timeline or the artificial timeli
Michi from the Emoto Peace Project does some research on the effect of showing Covid to water and has some very telling results. Covid is neither good nor bad, it's the intention we place on it that determines our experience. Covid = Netural Covid + Fear = Negative reaction Covid + Love = Healthy reaction Anything + Love = Healthy reaction! Love is the intention you want to give to everything, y
This is a 12 part series that is a message that Jill's spirit team would like to give to humanity on Earth. The questions are compiled by Jill using automatic writing before the hypnosis session and Alba just asks the questions. It's not like other Alba Weinman hypnosis sessions -- which are powerful in their own way. I recommend watching the Jill Cole, "The Discourse" series that comes out every
A couple of weeks ago I saw some larger birds playing/moving a rock I had on my garbage-area lid. We have recyclable bins now, so it's a good place to put food to separate the animals so all can eat at the same time. I went outside this morning to water the flowers and feed the birds, squirrel, rabbits and whatever else it seems :) -- like I do every morning. I saw a quite large smooth river stone
I choose to only share messages of empowerment and this "chat" session between Jill Cole's guides and Alba's guides is worth a listen. The message goes right along with my recent podcast -- take back your power. You don't have to rely on that which is external from you to control you. As always you don't have to undergo hypnosis to talk with your spirit guides, just lie down, close your eyes and
What does it mean to awaken? It's the realization you are a multi-dimensional being, full of energy, love and light and you manifest your reality. We have free-will, so you can choose to not have that experience as well. One of the first things I did after I had an awakening during my 7-day meditation and vegan challenge -- I thought of what I kind of person I wanted to be, not what society teache
When talking to my mother, she kept saying she was in pain. I told her to send love and healing to the areas that are causing her problems. Say, "I thank you for the experience, but I no longer need that experience and I let you go." She did this for two days and she said the pain moved from her one hand to the other -- interesting, eh? I told her to keep doing it, in fact, send healing (love) to
I had this amazing experience solving a problem with my imagination. First let me explain the power of your imagination and thought. What you're thinking may not be coming from you. Thoughts can be implanted or sent to you. You can choose to accept the thought or substitute it for your own conscious thought. For example, a lyric gets "stuck" in your head from the last song you heard, but you're no
As I start to write this article, I get the message to use the "Publish on Date" feature and I laugh. Maybe that's a good way to start this article -- If you want change you have to change yourself and its easier than you think. Actually, you should set the intention to use your heart more than your mind. It's Canada Day... Or better yet, Earth Day or Human Collective Day. The idea of borders, I'
I'm all about connecting to your spirit guides and love & hugs, so I wrote a book! I'm providing the information freely on how to connect to your spirit guides, just read my Meditation and Connecting to your Spirit Guide pages. The book is to expand on my story of how I quit my job after 26 years with the help of my guides and the spirit realm. My guide says, "Jason!" and I feel energy rushing th
Welcome to my new podcast! I haven't posted in awhile, but that doesn't mean there is anything interesting happening. Everyday is still awesome. Spring is here and the birds love the seed I put out multiple times a day. Remember, the entire planet should have temperate weather so imagine good weather -- rain is good too. This leads me into my podcast. It's me talking about interesting things tha
In this time of need I wanted to share a message of hope: Everything can be healing if you put that intention to it. If you are feeling angry or fear of something, change it around and thank it for providing you with the experience, release it and let the fear go. Let's take an example: Someone sneezes around you. You have the choice of fear, by thinking they are going to make you sick or you have
I'm wondering how to start this article and figure I'll just start writing and what comes out is the correct message. I look at the clock and it's 8:54:44am. This message is just in time for Family Day. I called this the TLDR article as well, because it'll include the important things to remember when you're having problems. Take what Resonates with You During lunch at work I tell my co-workers
I was at work having lunch. The computer in the lunch/meeting room was on and no one was playing anything so I thought I would show a couple of co-workers what it's like to communicate with one's spirit guides. I played them the first video of Carolyn Zaiser and Celeste just talking and the angelic realm they channel (talk to telepathically with) expand on interesting topics. As my co-workers wat
I was going to write two articles on these topics, but they relate to each other because instead of judging you should be grateful for the thing that is triggering you; Let me explain. Judgement is one of the things that I've been working on. Recently, I told two people that I've been feeding the birds. I didn't care that they were Magpies, but they had an aversion to the species such that one p
My guide reads the title and says, "This should be good" and I laugh. I'm sitting listening to Christmas music and skip any song that doesn't resonate. I suppose that's the point, follow your own path. That peaked my guides' interest. You might be asking how I'm talking to my guide -- it's telepathy. But you don't need me to convince you that this is possible, you just have to look within. I won'
I've said before, on my Meditation page that dreams are an important part of you and you should take the time to record them. They are an extension of your subconscious trying to tell you something or clear something out. I had two dreams recently that would have been "scary" had I not been doing my inner-work. It turned out to be the exact opposite, I woke up laughing at the situations! NB: Keep
This is a 5D chat and not your normal chat because I talk with my guides, the plants, Pleiadeans, Arcturians and the Sun! Yes, you can talk with planets as we're all consciousness. I have this experience when looking directly at the Sun where a tunnel forms between us. Clouds, trees and such disappear and it's a beautiful sky within the tunnel. After a few seconds a ring appears around the Sun
I was on the bus and overheard two students talking of not taking their ADD, ADHD medicine. I was thinking on how I could tell them they're infinite consciousness and source energy creator beings - they don't need drugs. You're not going crazy, you don't need pills for imaginary afflictions. Just talk to your local spiritual healer. My answer would be that their soul knows all the boring stuff the
I have this story of meeting someone on the commuter train that needed some guidance. It got me to thinking of my "experience" and that sometimes things may not be the blissful expansion you're looking for until you learn how to take control of the situation. The Story I was sitting across from this man who was wearing a shawl over his head and talking out loud to some spiritual being(s). A benev
To celebrate my awakening, Gord Downie wanted me to post a journey I did with him just before I started working on the mylightworker.org website. This one is special because it's the first time I asked to speak with someone other than my guides and my guides said, "Are you sure you want to do this?" They will only show you stuff you're ready for and I was ready for this. Enjoy. NB: Always narra
I had this great experience with the Arcturian Council and was guided to share it. The Arcturian Council always speaks of working with us while we're sleeping, but I communicated with them during one of my meditative journeys. The topic was about a misunderstanding I had with one of their channelings by Daniel Scranton and they wanted to clear it up. I tried searching for the channelings that I
Here is another guided article that shows that we are multidimensional beings and you can get guidance from within if you just ignore your ego for a moment. In the case of Nilesh, he is a fractal of Archangel Metatron, so he calls Source "Father". In Alba Weinman video #299 they talk about just chilling and hearing a call from Earth for help. Metatron wasn't the only spirit to answer the call.
While discussing colour and whether you could explain colour to a blind person, I thought: What if the the blind person just used their 3rd eye to see? It seems I'm not the first to think of this as Astral Pulse had a discussion on it in 2007. I believe, with the growing number of people awakening, that someone reading this is willing to pose the idea to someone they know that is blind. I've tak
I'd like to present a few links between Quantum Physics and our Ascension. I'm not a physicist, but I can put 2 and 2 together. I'll show links between Quantum Entanglement, Unified Field Theory and the Holographic Universe as it relates to Planck's constant. It turned out to be more than a few links, but you can scroll down to the bottom to see some YouTube videos on some of the interesting item
There are an infinite number of ways for spirit guides to reveal themselves or communicate messages. They can be a person an animal or whatever you want. Spirit guides will only present themselves in a way that is beneficial to you in the now. They will never appear in a form or communicate in a method that will scare you. You may get messages from them via your clair-abilities, dreams or while jo
What if I said you could manifest health, peace and abundance? Would that get your attention? Most of the information, I've seen on the internet, regarding manifesting has to do with money. People feel the need they need to work harder to get what they want or just need more money out of the air. This mindset is one of lack which manifests lack. The concept behind manifestation is easy: Hold the v
Love creates beauty. Love someone for Christmas. Just be yourself and start with loving yourself today.
So you've started meditating and want to take the next step. You can meditate longer to get more benefit. There are different breathing techniques you can use. Set an intent for each meditation session. You may have started seeing colours, lights or sacred geometry. If you can feel energy moving around your body, it's probably happening all day but you are just to busy to notice. Lets start wi
The easiest and fastest way to help your body resize within months. To manifest reducing your weight, I recommend using the term "my body is resizing". If you say you "lost" something, you'll manifest getting more of it. 1. Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, nothing processed or from a can ** 2. Don't use the microwave as it kills nutrients in the food 3. Eat as much as you like and never be h
This is an article I wanted to write from the start of this website, but it wasn't until this weekend that I knew it was time. People are conditioned to look outside of themselves for approval and validation. You are enough just as you are. Be true to yourself and you'll have a wonderful experience; It'll turn out great! At the funeral (fun-eral) I attended a funeral this weekend. It's different
It's common for some people to resist change. They hold a wait-and-see attitude -- "I'll believe it when I see it" or they may dwell in the past thinking that has anything to do with the Now moment. They also listen to that which is external from them for what to expect in the future; Totally ignoring the fact they manifest their reality. In my experience, people only change when they've reach an
I watched and participated in Elena Danaan's meditation on creating a positive timeline in the planetary matrix. It's 2 hours, but you are engaged and it's refreshing to watch because it empowers you with information. If kids had this information in school, they'd actually want to attend! It's very refreshing. Love vs Disharmony One topic they bring up, is that the vibration of a fine wine can b
As a not-for-profit organization we need donations to help get these messages out and make real change in the world. We have big plans and it starts with you. By donating, you allow us to actively create Everyone Has programs around the world which will house, feed and clothe everyone. You can donate in three ways: * Meditate on these phrases and use them in your affirmations - I visualize ev
Welcome to my new podcast! I haven't posted in awhile, but that doesn't mean there is anything interesting happening. Everyday is still awesome. Spring is here and the birds love the seed I put out multiple times a day. Remember, the entire planet should have temperate weather so imagine good weather -- rain is good too. This leads me into my podcast. It's me talking about interesting things that
We are drawn to taking a side. Your friends, family and media all have different views. Some of their views may be different or the same as yours, but in the end it's up to you to decide what to do. I find the easiest choice is to send love. Send love to both sides and yourself -- as it's love that will expose all. It's not a matter of right and wrong; It's a matter of love and light. The worl
In times like these, we need to keep sending out love and peace. It's a thing. It really does help. I watched the Druid Prayer for Peace by Elena Danaan and was motivated to create a song called Peace today. You can watch it below. You have a choice in how you feel. I'm sure you have family that are tied to the mainstream news; I do as well and the next time they bring something up about Russia,
This website/service is different, it's focused on: * Informing people about how things work. We manifest our reality. This means everything, not just wealth. * Connecting people to bring about change. Together we have the tools and knowledge to create what is required for change. For example, my software skills allowed me to create this website. Sign in and join our Discord channel for help an
Most people I see while taking a walk aren't spending much time looking up. Some are looking down at their phones. Others have their dog tied to their waist while they're on the phone -- not really enjoying the moment. I often look at the sky to see stars, the Sun and see if the clouds are organic or not. Look at the "stars" Before going on a trip outside of the city recently, I set the intention
I've been having many conversations with family and friends over the last month. Some were interested in my "powers of positive thought" ideologies, some were already seeing those that have exited this experience and moved on. Others are steadfast that they know what's happening -- inside the little box. The inquiry I received an inquiry on whether I accept submissions for a guest post. It took m
Telepathy is the first 5D sense that opens up. You can do this! But you have to accept that thoughts you have may not be your own and be able to discern the difference. After reading this excerpt from a journey I had recently about telepathy, I recommend reading Connect with Your Spirit Guides. NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react
Distractions, distractions. What to do? I say follow your own path; Choose your own destiny. You may have heard of some "events" planned by the dark, but know that we have the final thought, as we manifest our reality. I could have said, "final say," but many people don't say what they're thinking due to fear of being labelled in some way. As more people realize the system is against them, we'll
I was using my waterpik flosser and when gliding over the area that was getting better, I felt a sharp pain that made me flinch and drop the flosser. I looked at the area and a filling had fallen out and the nerve was exposed which had caused the pain. The following day, I called my regular dentist; He was booked such that I'd have to wait a week. Another dentist in the office had a couple of tim
"Everything is free." It's not something you hear much these days. When I tell people that's what I'm manifesting -- Everything is free, they come back at me explaining why it'll never work. They're using what they've been taught and lived for generations. They're in their mind, not the heart. If you connect with your heart, you'll get things like, "Everything is free," and it makes sense. Guide:
This is a book that I highly recommend. It pertains to the times we're living in right now and goes over it in detail. Well, the detail we can hold as a vibration at the moment. I've included a little background on Ashtar Sheran to help put things into perspective. My experience with Ashtar Sheran during a chat with the Arcturian Council on discernment, also a TV broadcast in 1977 from Ashtar Gala
When you set the intention that everything turns out for your highest good, that's what you get. I went on a camping vacation recently and we had the best locations without making a reservation for the first 2 sites. The first camp We arrived at the camping spot late, around 9:30pm and it was getting dark. A family member was saving us a spot, but he would've had to pay for the site so he let it
I'm in the greenhouse picking peas and I hear a bug flying against the poly. I create a gap in the wire mesh to get it on my finger. That doesn't work because the mesh is too tight. I use a bamboo pole and see if it'll climb on it. That doesn't work either. I send a message to the "Dragon fly" elders (using telepathy). The dragon fly falls between the cedar and the poly one more time. I can't s
Someone I know said, "It can't be rainbows and unicorns all the time." They don't know they manifest their reality. I know, it's a different way of thinking, but that's how it works. Would you rather have a great day, everyday or feel like you don't have control over your life? I can easily say that I prefer my current experience over my pre-awakened experience. Knowledge is power. Knowing that I
Be the change you want to see in the world. I decided to quit Spotify this week. I didn't change to another streaming platform, nor do I plan on listening for free -- I can't listen to commercials. I wasn't trying to save $15 a month. I put as my explanation that, "I choose to support artists and not music companies." This is a big step -- kinda like the one where I thought I'd never take transit