You still manifest everything
... you've manifested everything up to now and it'll continue. The question is will you take charge, or will you let others tell you what's in your future? Let's take a look at the weather. It snowed this weekend, +3°C and it's snowing -- looks like HAARP weather control to me. The high gas prices, colder weather, seems like someone is planning to make lots of money -- and it's not everyday you and me.

We can change it though, just imagine a beautiful Summer's day. Feel the emotion of how warm it is. I'm setting the intention for 27°C highs until December. I give winter December and January to snow in the city -- it can snow in the mountains. That's ok.

More examples of manifestation:

  1. Last week I didn't want to get my hair cut - My hairstylist called to change the appointment; Perfect for me.
  2. I have the best experiences on my road trips.
  3. I always find the best washrooms while travelling.
  4. I go camping and get 2 drops of rain from a storm in the area, which I could see -- The warden was warning me of a torrential downpour.
  5. I was given a rain barrel, delivered to my doorstep.
  6. I go outside and the sky clears up.
  7. I meet the nicest people as I go into shops
  8. Etc.
What do you do when things might not happen the way you want them to go? Like it snows on the weekend when you wanted to work on the greenhouse? You send love and lots of sky clearing 😃 Always send love; It's the answer. I went outside to clear the snow. Shook the tree and snow went down my back -- I laughed and went inside to dry off. I made Citrus Tea and marmalade in the afternoon and had friends come over in the evening. It was a beautiful day -- Like they all are.

Have a wonderful day and remember to choose what you'd rather experience.
Yes it works.