Take control back
You control everything in your experience including your dreams. Dreams are real and when you clear all the programming out of your subconscious, you'll find yourself behaving in your dreams like you do in your waking time.

Before going to bed last night, I set the intention to solve my dreams with love and hugs. Solve? Yes, solve. When you're having a negative dream, doing something like saying "No" or "sending love and hugs" will stop the negative dream -- and you'll wake up laughing 😃

The dream...

I was watching an icy road (grass and everything really) with cars driving down it as they're going to work. There was more than one car trying to go down hill -- which I'd never do in my waking experience.

Suddenly I felt like I was starting down the hill. This was something I'd never do, I said "No" in my dream and I woke up. I could feel some anxiety and knew the dream was part of the system that feeds off fear.

I was happy that I stopped the dream in it's tracks by choosing my experience in the dream.

Take control back...

That's how you take back control -- choose your experience and not one suggested to you by repetition which is passed around so much you think it's the only choice.

Start when you wake up by saying, "It's a beautiful day." Don't let anyone get you out of your heart-space as that's where your power is to manifest a beautiful day.

A beautiful day to you,