Outside the box
Know that you create your experience and "just send love" sums it up pretty good. As you read this article, keep sending love.

Inside the box...

Lies. Fear. Giving your power away to others.
Just send love.

Outside the box...

You are the most powerful being in your experience. Your imagination and emotion are used to manifest your experience, so use those tools and imagine a fantastic experience for everyone.
Just send love.

Outside the box, you have millions of friends, free zero-point energy, cooperation, technology 1000 years in the future. It's an easy life full of creativity and sharing.

Ok, time for an example of our technology using pictures!

Alex Collier - Question and Answer Webinar 59 - October 11th, 2024
20:38, One of our craft, Terrans.
21:16, One of our craft an old TR-3B. Yes, it's old; Just because you haven't see it since the 1950's doesn't make it new.
33:33, One of our friends in the sky recovering someone from the Earth. Teleportation beam and trans-dimensional capabilities. This is not Terran technology (ours).
34:56, Our craft with cloaking technology.

Anti-gravity cars, plasma power, aether power, there are no limits to what we can create in a peaceful environment.

Just send love.

Your true power is not physical

An example of our non-physical powers are that we have the ability to levitate, teleport and communicate telepathically. Telepathy is the easiest -- monitor the voices in your head. Sit on the bench with a loved one that has passed and you'll be able to communicate with them easier than your neighbour.

People have shared information that they've levitated across a farmers field: Dr Steven Greer.

Others have teleported their body to another place: Jean-Charles Moyen.

I have a great relationship with my guides, friends and helpers and this website is used to log and share what I've learned.

Start by just sending love and leave the judgement behind.