Time for freedom

Free from what? The box that controls how you think and wants you to keep busy, so you don't have time to question anything.

What is the box? It's conformity; The way we've done things for our lifetime. No questions asked. It's keeping yourself small and giving your power away. It's lies that we all think are true. History is just his-story. Manufactured control over you and me -- until you step outside the box.

What is inside the box?

Know the box will always prove itself to be true and correct. People have been silenced for sharing information that is not the status-quo. Now you can go really deep into the system of control that keeps the status-quo going, but it stems around blackmail to keep people in-line.

For example, an emergency doctor in British Columbia (BC), Daniel Nagase, moved to Alberta. Know that in BC it's ok to treat your patients with ivermectin. In Alberta, it's against the law -- because it "makes you healthy". During the faked "C" incident, Dr. Nagase put ivermectin on order to treat some patients that were diagnosed has having the "C" thing. This started a process to remove Dr. Nagase from working in the medical field.

The "C" thing was part bio-weapon and part propaganda. It was created to scare the population into taking an injection they called a "vaccine." A mother makes a social media post that her child died after taking the injection; It gets scrubbed. Patients going to the hospital for their check-up on the "C" side-effects and the doctor can't find their file; It's been scrubbed. Now 4 years later we have young ladies that can't carry children and "instant" stage-4 cancer. They have to come up with more stories to cover up the people having "issues" after taking the injection.

Another example is "junk DNA." When we are made of the 23 chromosomes from ET races -- yeah, lets just call that "junk".

Science is working with a mathematics system that is indeterminate -- you'll never find an answer to anything. If you find anything remotely interesting, the 3-letter agencies hide it.

This is low-vibration stuff. Since everything is vibration, lets bring it up to what is outside the box.

What is outside the box?

Freedom. Knowledge. Power. Love. Multidimensionality. Creation. Art. Beauty. Cooperation.

There is a quote that the truth takes few words. Outside the box is the ability to see yourself as powerful, beautiful, creative, multi-dimensional.

We have technology to change the weather, HHARP. We have plasma power; aether power. Anti-gravity. Friends off planet and technology 1000 years more advanced than what we are shown.

Our off-planet friends have a holographic camera, that can see your entire lifetime and replace limbs based on any point in time. Time is quantum -- everything is happening at once.

The most important thing to know outside the box is that we manifest everything. Send out love you get back love -- it's that easy.

We are the 7th attempt at populating Earth. The Tartarian civilization had power-through-the-air. Free energy. Built huge buildings that were torn down and described as "one-offs" for the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago.

This time we are ascending in physical form. Many young children are keeping knowledge of their past lives when they are born - this is how it's supposed to be. Children are experiencing telepathy with their friends and cats -- We don't need a mobile phone at $1500/ year.

We never die. We are our spirit. We can connect to everything by going within.

Love is the strongest power outside and inside the box. Send it everywhere. You don't need instructions on sending love - You are the master of your experience.

That's freedom.