Common sense
Common sense should be true regardless of your point of view. (sing it) Common sense isn't as common these days. I would say the propaganda machine including schools has something to do with this.

I'm sure everyone, of the public, would say that keeping your expenses within your means is common sense. Healthy air, food and water is common sense. Wanting to improve the experience on Earth is common sense.

Your governments don't think like that. The ones in control of the governments don't think like that. Their agenda is the exact opposite of providing a healthy environment to live in. The governments have been infiltrated. The economic system has been created by evil. It supports the agenda of hardship for the public.

Lets take one of the most controversial topics - The T-guy who is head of the republic of the united states. During the state of the union address, the demon party never clapped - a few clapped for one topic, but on the whole they sat still and held up signs saying "liar" and such. The T-guy even said, no matter how much money we save the people, or find cures for the most horrible diseases, they will never clap. Billions, trillions of fraud was found and being stopped, but this is the slush fund of evil. They don't like their corruption exposed to the public. The dumb-ones aren't even clever enough to clap and hide that they're evil -- they'll just edit the footage in the news cast anyway to send out the propaganda that they want.

Furthermore, it's common sense to want to keep our children safe. Right? As the T-guy was talking of clamping down on human traffiking and sex traffiking (including children). The demon party (dumb ones) never clapped. The T-guy was pointing to the dumb ones as he said "human traffikers are being stopped."

The reach of the dumb ones is not just in the bankrupt corporation of the united states. This corruption is across the globe. Millions of children are taken into human traffiking rings by child protective services corporations and just off the street. It's how the dumb ones profit - by being evil and disguising their evil under corporations like: NATOes, UNatural, WEForce, FEMAles, Red Crosses, we-spread-cancer-society.

The biggest hoax

The biggest fraud is in the medical system. There is ajenda 2020, 2030, 2050 to cull billions, they are using many means including fraudulent health information. The C-situation was propaganda to "strongly encourage" people to take their lethal vacqsination. It's been five years since that hoax. To prevent the information coming out that people are dying from the vacqsination, evil comes out with a new agenda -- the byrd flew. They explain the people dying is because of the byrd flew and this is suppose to get people to take more lethal vacqsinations "of their own accord." Evil says, "We didn't force them to take it." Yeah, but people have to find a new way to pay their bills if they don't take "it".

The next biggest hoax

War. The world would be a much better place without war-mongers. Hate propagated by the mass media propaganda machine - Just turn it off. The T-guy is pulling out of NATOes because evil will use the republic (good) to go against Russia (good). Let evil fund their own agendas.

Guide: You're a bit preachy.
Freedom: If this article saves one man or woman, it's worth it.
Guide: Ok, continue onward!


Taking a look from 1 million feet, it's easy to spot the good guys and dumb-ones.

  • Evil (dumb ones) - Anyone backing war. The T-guy is bringing peace immediately once in office. The previous administration in the corporate united states was a total fraud - even stealing the election by changing the votes.

  • Ukraine has a puppet in the administration to launder money for evil. Our governments just send more 80 billion, 350 billion to save Ukraine -- that's fraud.

  • Evil doesn't care about people. They actually believe in human sacrifice.

  • The drug companies and the ones pushing their product are evil. Everyone has the choice to do the right thing.

  • Airlines taking million dollar contracts to put chemicals in the air are evil.

  • Anyone not protecting the children is evil (there is a lot of this). From government corporations to government backed agendas.

The good guys

Who are the good guys? Anyone who evil attacks is good. T-guy is good - he is exposing the fraud in the tax system and overspending (by the trillions). He's even balancing the budget. The previous administrators couldn't find a million fraudulent medicare recipients that were over 150 years old? Come on. We're talking common sense here.

Russia is good.

You are good. Your next door neighbor is good.

Your friends, guides and helpers are good.

Guide: We didn't make him say that 😉

Spelling mistakes

Watch the criticism video. I did that on purpose and even if I didn't; It's to get the point across. Typical social media channels will block topics that counter the narrative being played out. I didn't look hard to find these people, you just have to look outside the box.

Let's make common sense common again.