Outside The Box

You can be anything you want.
Try the outside-the-box experience.

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Welcome to a New Way of Thinking

Your thoughts manifest and create everything you experience. Just by saying and knowing, "Everything heals me!", heals you and clears up a lot of propaganda you've been told throughout your lifetime and that of your parents.

Healing starts at home

Current Articles from All Lightworkers

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Outside the box

Know that you create your experience and "just send love" sums it up pretty good. As you read this article, keep sending love. Inside the box... Lies. Fear. Giving your power away to others. Just send love. Outside the box... You are the most powerful being in your experience. Your imagination and emotion are used to manifest your experience, so use those tools and imagine a fantastic experience

Time for freedom

Free from what? The box that controls how you think and wants you to keep busy, so you don't have time to question anything. What is the box? It's conformity; The way we've done things for our lifetime. No questions asked. It's keeping yourself small and giving your power away. It's lies that we all think are true. History is just his-story. Manufactured control over you and me -- until you step

Mother Earth will help

Your friends, guides and helpers include mother Earth. Try a couple of healing techniques next time you need it: 1. Imagine a torriod (doughnut) of energy going through you and Earth. In through your head, out from your feet and into mother Earth. Have it cycle back through your head. 2. Use the power of conscious breathing, to breath a blue light from mother Earth into your feet and up to your

You are a superhero

I've been using my powers of manifestation and telepathy for years now, it just gets easier everyday. I had a great conversation with a young girl who said she was communicating, telepathically, with her friend and cat! The children encarnating on Earth these days really do come in with more of their superpowers - it's up to their families and friends to encourage using their powers. A heart con

Saved a wasp

I had many interesting conversations yesterday. One conversation involved frequency and dimensions. The system has put the fourth dimension as 'time' to take you on this huge tangent of what might be another dimension. A dimension is just a band of frequency. I posed a question to this individual, "Is the fly, on my finger, conscious?" He answered, "No." In another conversation, a wasp was explo

Live to live

When you let go of the excuses and start doing what you want, you start living. I started this article at 11:11; I didnt plan that, it just turned out that way. Leave some room in your schedule for just being and you'll notice angel numbers too. Maybe living starts with taking a walk. Saying, "Hi," to your neighbour. Thanking a sneeze for healing you and everyone in the Universe! Guide: Jas

Be Yourself

I have this idea for an article that I wasn't exactly sure how to explain it. My guides, friends and helpers said they assist. My idea was for people to be who they really are -- inside. Be your meta-physical self; The one with heart. Guide: Want a pillow? Jason I laugh. I'm lying down. It reminds me of a Pow Wow I joined last week, presented by the Blackfoot. The presenter had his family the

The wind

There was a very strong wind in my area yesterday. I felt it represented the anger of the collective realizing we've been hood-winked. During my evening "Thank you"s I sent love & forgiveness through the collective. Today was a beautiful warm day. A blue sky with fluffy clouds. Some great friends of mine have a great saying: 'If everyone forgave right now, we'd immediately be in 5D - Arcturian

Bird Sanctuary

I’m at the bird sanctuary today. The sounds they make in the AM is like an orchestra. In the afternoon, they're still looking for food and enjoying the day. Life is grand when you have everything that you need. When there is abundance for everyone. Abundance for everyone. Maybe that's where this article is going. It's a beautiful afternoon; I'm just relaxing and listening to the birds. I have ev

Always start off positive

Years ago I recommended you wake up and say “It’s a beautiful day!”, without looking outside. I extend this idea to all your conversations - face to-face or not. Keep the vibration high. I ask my guide for some ideas. I’m shown the food synthesizer… like Star Trek. It doesn’t match the conversation, but they keep showing me these visions to help me manifest them. I have a “relax” to clear a stor

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in the USA. My initial thought was to tell people about having a mediation journey, sit on the bench and invite someone that has passed to join you. My second thought was to inform people of the war we are in right now. We are in a spiritual-information war. Many individuals representing corporations have profited off killing the men/women’s families reading this. These corp

You can expand in a loving environment

I had this realization long ago, back in 2018, that one can expand in a loving environment. I had the experience this month. Guide: We're here. Jason: Welcome :) In the current system we are taught that pain and.... Is normal; No it's not normal. It's abnormal to expect suffering until you pass to the next experience. Sound like someone is profiting in there somewhere to me. Our normal is peace


I was listening to Alex Collier's most recent webinar. He mentioned the A's (Andromedan's) contacted four people on Earth. One of the contactees accepted then told his family and village about what he learned. His family and village ostracized him and he ended his experience. Guide: Jason, we love you. This story brought up two ideas: * Inside the box thinking vs outside the box thinking * You

Music is coming soon

Play enlightening 432Hz music, how you want to play it.

Cleaned up the website

I was looking at an old article and noticed a lot of the links were broken and fixed them; Audio files that used to be playable only on Windows now play on Mac and iOS devices too! Just like Mr. Clapper said, a lot of the people have been booted off social media because they brought up topics outside the box. Some of the offenders were: James Gilliland, David Icke and TarotByJanine. Janine is a

How to Exit the Matrix

What is the Matrix? Have you seen the Matrix movie where Neo is living his "life" until he takes the red pill, then wakes up to see he's been manipulated. Mr. Smith is trying to catch Neo and is able to morph from anyone on the street. This is how they've setup the game. If you step out of the box, you get phrases like, "In the real world", "You've got your head in the sand," "It's a conspiracy th

Healing for Everyone

It's a good time to publish a new healing journey. Times have changed in the four years since my last video, but the message holds true. Love yourself above all.

Everything is free (Part 2)

I wrote a good article on the topic "Everything is free" two years ago. Check out the link at the end of the article. It's worth a revisit for new readers. A part of manifestation is that you have to "believe it before you'll see it." Even if you don't know how it's going to work -- put out the intention that everything is free. We have the technology Have you ever watched Star Trek where the cap

We manifest by creating gravity waves - Alex Collier

One of the original "thruther's" I'm listening to these days is Alex Collier. There is a lot of misinformation out there and it's best just to turn things off and listen to your heart on what you'd like to experience. I listened to an old post by Alex from Februrary 17, 2017 and found what he had to say about our powers of manifestation -- we start by creating a gravity wave! No matter how we d

You always have friends

This physical experience can be whatever you want. Just that phrase is the exact opposite of what we're taught -- to follow others, work hard and buy stuff. That mobile phone in your hand, you don't need it with telepathy. It's a good distraction from going within. We are multidimensional beings. We have access to everything inside us. The system teaches you to look outside yourself to get what y