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New Way of Thinking

We Manifest our Reality. This means everything, not just wealth.

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Spirit Guides

I've talked to many people that are meditating, but have not connected with their spirit guides. You don't need anyone to convince you it's possible, just go within.

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Connect with your spiritual side. Try the 7-day meditation challenge. You have all of the answers, just ask your spirit guides to show you something.

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Weight Loss

The easiest and fastest way to lose all of your excess weight within months. Try the Vegan diet for 7 days. Eat all of the fresh fruit and vegetables you want. Never be hungry.

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Current Articles from All Lightworkers

Time for freedom »

Free from what? The box that controls how you think and wants you to keep busy, so you don't have time to question anything.

What is the box? It's conformity; The way we've done things for our life...

Mother Earth will help »

Your friends, guides and helpers include mother Earth. Try a couple of healing techniques next time you need it:

1. Imagine a torriod (doughnut) of energy going through you and Earth. In through yo...

You are a superhero »

I've been using my powers of manifestation and telepathy for years now, it just gets easier everyday. I had a great conversation with a young girl who said she was communicating, telepathically, with ...

Saved a wasp »

I had many interesting conversations yesterday. One conversation involved frequency and dimensions. The system has put the fourth dimension as 'time' to take you on this huge tangent of what might be ...

Live to live »

When you let go of the excuses and start doing what you want, you start living. I started this article at 11:11; I didnt plan that, it just turned out that way. Leave some room in your schedule f...

Be Yourself »

I have this idea for an article that I wasn't exactly sure how to explain it. My guides, friends and helpers said they assist. My idea was for people to be who they really are -- inside.

Be your m...

The wind »

There was a very strong wind in my area yesterday. I felt it represented the anger of the collective realizing we've been hood-winked. During my evening "Thank you"s I sent love & forgiveness through ...

Bird Sanctuary »

I’m at the bird sanctuary today. The sounds they make in the AM is like an orchestra. In the afternoon, they're still looking for food and enjoying the day. Life is grand when you have everything that...

Always start off positive »

Years ago I recommended you wake up and say “It’s a beautiful day!”, without looking outside. I extend this idea to all your conversations - face to-face or not. Keep the vibration high.

I ask my g...

Memorial Day »

Today is Memorial Day in the USA. My initial thought was to tell people about having a mediation journey, sit on the bench and invite someone that has passed to join you. My second thought was to info...

You can expand in a loving environment »

I had this realization long ago, back in 2018, that one can expand in a loving environment. I had the experience this month.

Guide: We're here.
Jason: Welcome :)

In the current sy...

Gratitude »

I was listening to Alex Collier's most recent webinar. He mentioned the A's (Andromedan's) contacted four people on Earth. One of the contactees accepted then told his family and village about what he...

Cleaned up the website »

I was looking at an old article and noticed a lot of the links were broken and fixed them; Audio files that used to be playable only on Windows now play on Mac and iOS devices too! Just like Mr. Clapp...

How to Exit the Matrix »

What is the Matrix? Have you seen the Matrix movie where Neo is living his "life" until he takes the red pill, then wakes up to see he's been manipulated. Mr. Smith is trying to catch Neo and is able ...

Healing for Everyone »

It's a good time to publish a new healing journey. Times have changed in the four years since my last video, but the message holds true. Love yourself above all.

Everything is free (Part 2) »

I wrote a good article on the topic "Everything is free" two years ago. Check out the link at the end of the article. It's worth a revisit for new readers. A part of manifestation is that you have to ...

We manifest by creating gravity waves - Alex Collier »

One of the original "thruther's" I'm listening to these days is Alex Collier. There is a lot of misinformation out there and it's best just to turn things off and listen to your heart on what you'd li...

You always have friends »

This physical experience can be whatever you want. Just that phrase is the exact opposite of what we're taught -- to follow others, work hard and buy stuff. That mobile phone in your hand, you don't n...

Choose Love (Part 2) »

We are creators of universes masquerading as a human -- Alicia Power. There are a lot of distractions out there -- in the end just choose love. Send love, be open to receiving love (energetically at l...

The voices in your head »

There appears to be an increase in mind-control this past week. This brings up two important topics: 1) The voices in your head may not be your own. 2) You manifest your reality. I know the thoughts a...

How to Manifest »

I had a friend ask me, "How do I clear the smoke in the air?" I said, "Think about a clear sky on a beautiful day." We manifest in the positive (I am) not in the negative (I don't want). Your subconsc...

Has manifestation improved your life? »

I met some really nice people this last week. One man mentioned his back -- an injury from many years ago was acting up and I wanted to help him out with self-healing. I described to him that we manif...

Dragon fly »

I'm in the greenhouse picking peas and I hear a bug flying against the poly. I create a gap in the wire mesh to get it on my finger. That doesn't work because the mesh is too tight. I use a bamboo pol...

Why are you wearing a toque? »

I had a couple of interesting experiences this week. The first experience was a dream where I was walking somewhere and this lady asks me, "Are you sick?" Referring to a toque I was wearing. I remembe...

What If »

What if you sent flowers,
To the one who cut you off?

Etheric flowers,
Using your super-powers!

Send them however you want,
There is no wrong way.

Use your imagination and emotion,

Stepping outside the little box »

I've been having many conversations with family and friends over the last month. Some were interested in my "powers of positive thought" ideologies, some were already seeing those that have exited thi...

Another amazing story »

All of my articles are based on my experience. I always say "When you believe it; You'll see it." This week I had my own experience of something appearing from "no where." Here is my story...

I ha...

What you give your attention to matters »

There are so many distractions for your attention. Why? Because what we are focusing on, we give attention to and manifest it. What if everyone only focused on good things for humanity? It'd be a grea...

Look up at the sky »

Most people I see while taking a walk aren't spending much time looking up. Some are looking down at their phones. Others have their dog tied to their waist while they're on the phone -- not really en...

It's a beautiful day »

Last night I set the intention that my writing guide help come up with a topic for this article. As I sit down to write the article I think "I'm starting the article. What will the title be?" My guide...

Spring is here, time for electroculture »

Yes, Spring. I know it's February but it's Spring on the west coast, it can be spring here too. That brings me to electroculture! If you haven't heard, it's a way of harnessing aether and directing it...

I do not consent to a root canal »

I was using my waterpik flosser and when gliding over the area that was getting better, I felt a sharp pain that made me flinch and drop the flosser. I looked at the area and a filling had fallen out ...

Solstice Meditation »

Today is the Solstice, so it's a perfect time to thank the Sun and Earth and ground the solstice energies into Mother Earth. I'm including a meditation to do just that and more!

  1. Sit or lie ...

Four years awakened »

I knew I wanted to write an article, but about what? I found my A Year Awakened article and thought you might like an update 😃, but first what prompted me to write an article. Someone spills a...

One step at a time »

I finished framing the greenhouse and the garden beds -- getting it ready for next Spring. I started back in September, so that means it took about three months. Would I have started the greenhouse, i...

You still manifest everything »

... you've manifested everything up to now and it'll continue. The question is will you take charge, or will you let others tell you what's in your future? Let's take a look at the weather. It snowed ...

Thank you pain, you can leave now »

I told a family member about self-healing by thanking your body for being strong and thanking the pain for the experience, but you no longer need that experience and you let it go. He came up with a s...

Take control back »

You control everything in your experience including your dreams. Dreams are real and when you clear all the programming out of your subconscious, you'll find yourself behaving in your dreams like you ...

I am love »

I had a dream that I was looking out over a body of water and I yelled out "I am love," but in a really deep voice. There was another being there and I felt they wanted it to be a negative experience,...

The most fantastic vacation »

When you set the intention that everything turns out for your highest good, that's what you get. I went on a camping vacation recently and we had the best locations without making a reservation for th...

Positive self-talk »

We've been hoodwinked by the system to believe they know best. They say believe in the professionals (doctors dentist, weather forecasters) and we let others control our experience. What if they don't...

We have the final say »

I watched and participated in Elena Danaan's meditation on creating a positive timeline in the planetary matrix. It's 2 hours, but you are engaged and it's refreshing to watch because it empowers you...

Detachment »

I spent 10 hours installing a window in the plant house (otherwise known as a greenhouse). Some might think it's easier to call up a handyman. Some might choose to go to the grocery store instead. Oth...

Everyday Can be Rainbows and Unicorns »

Someone I know said, "It can't be rainbows and unicorns all the time." They don't know they manifest their reality. I know, it's a different way of thinking, but that's how it works. Would you rather ...

Ubuntu - I am because we are »

An anthropologist showed a game to the children of an African tribe. He placed a basket of delicious fruits near a tree trunk and told them: "The first child to reach the tree will get the basket." Wh...

PCAM - Photonic Catalytic Amplification Matrix »

The generation of synthetic high energy photons that are post processed to produce an abundance of clean energy.

I Quit Spotify »

Be the change you want to see in the world. I decided to quit Spotify this week. I didn't change to another streaming platform, nor do I plan on listening for free -- I can't listen to commercials. I ...

Mainstream Physics Cannot Explain the Energy in Two Magnets, I Can - Free Energy »

35 years ago, the Navy took my research after changing the terms of my employment that I work for them 24 hours a day.

Then the system took my child.

They sat on this information all that time; ...

Keep Your Head Up »

Distractions, distractions. What to do? I say follow your own path; Choose your own destiny. You may have heard of some "events" planned by the dark, but know that we have the final thought, as we man...

Change »

It's common for some people to resist change. They hold a wait-and-see attitude -- "I'll believe it when I see it" or they may dwell in the past thinking that has anything to do with the Now moment. T...
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