Connect with your spiritual side. Try the 7-day meditation challenge, and for good measure include the 7-day Vegan challenge to raise your vibration. You don't have to be 'perfect' in meditation. Just allow yourself some quiet time with your thoughts, feel and observe. To meditate: * You only need 5 minutes a day. Try meditating before going to sleep. * Visualize white light surrounding you a
Connect with your Spirit Guides
There are an infinite number of ways for spirit guides to reveal themselves or communicate messages. They can be a person an animal or whatever you want. Spirit guides will only present themselves in a way that is beneficial to you in the now. They will never appear in a form or communicate in a method that will scare you. You may get messages from them via your clair-abilities, dreams or while jo
A Conversation with Archangel Metatron
Here is another guided article that shows that we are multidimensional beings and you can get guidance from within if you just ignore your ego for a moment. In the case of Nilesh, he is a fractal of Archangel Metatron, so he calls Source "Father". In Alba Weinman video #299 they talk about just chilling and hearing a call from Earth for help. Metatron wasn't the only spirit to answer the call.
Can a Blind Person See Using Their 3rd Eye?
While discussing colour and whether you could explain colour to a blind person, I thought: What if the the blind person just used their 3rd eye to see? It seems I'm not the first to think of this as Astral Pulse had a discussion on it in 2007. I believe, with the growing number of people awakening, that someone reading this is willing to pose the idea to someone they know that is blind. I've tak
The Arcturian Council
I had this great experience with the Arcturian Council and was guided to share it. The Arcturian Council always speaks of working with us while we're sleeping, but I communicated with them during one of my meditative journeys. The topic was about a misunderstanding I had with one of their channelings by Daniel Scranton and they wanted to clear it up. I tried searching for the channelings that I
Quantum Physics and our Ascension
I'd like to present a few links between Quantum Physics and our Ascension. I'm not a physicist, but I can put 2 and 2 together. I'll show links between Quantum Entanglement, Unified Field Theory and the Holographic Universe as it relates to Planck's constant. It turned out to be more than a few links, but you can scroll down to the bottom to see some YouTube videos on some of the interesting item
A Gift from a Bird
A couple of weeks ago I saw some larger birds playing/moving a rock I had on my garbage-area lid. We have recyclable bins now, so it's a good place to put food to separate the animals so all can eat at the same time. I went outside this morning to water the flowers and feed the birds, squirrel, rabbits and whatever else it seems :) -- like I do every morning. I saw a quite large smooth river stone
The Time of Separation is Over
As I start to write this article, I get the message to use the "Publish on Date" feature and I laugh. Maybe that's a good way to start this article -- If you want change you have to change yourself and its easier than you think. Actually, you should set the intention to use your heart more than your mind. It's Canada Day... Or better yet, Earth Day or Human Collective Day. The idea of borders, I'
Your Thoughts may not be Your Own
Did you know the human race is peaceful by nature? Have you checked-in with your heart to see what you're feeling before you react to a situation? It's ok if these concepts are new to you; We've been taught to stay in the head as that's where we can be manipulated. Your heart is the center of your power and staying in your heart-space will allow you to soar like never before. 'What you are think
Help when Overwhelmed, Psychic Attacks
I have this story of meeting someone on the commuter train that needed some guidance. It got me to thinking of my "experience" and that sometimes things may not be the blissful expansion you're looking for until you learn how to take control of the situation. The Story I was sitting across from this man who was wearing a shawl over his head and talking out loud to some spiritual being(s). A benev
I am Love, Nothing can hurt me
I've said before, on my Meditation page that dreams are an important part of you and you should take the time to record them. They are an extension of your subconscious trying to tell you something or clear something out. I had two dreams recently that would have been "scary" had I not been doing my inner-work. It turned out to be the exact opposite, I woke up laughing at the situations! NB: Keep
The Answer is Love and Hugs; TLDR
I'm wondering how to start this article and figure I'll just start writing and what comes out is the correct message. I look at the clock and it's 8:54:44am. This message is just in time for Family Day. I called this the TLDR article as well, because it'll include the important things to remember when you're having problems. Take what Resonates with You During lunch at work I tell my co-workers
I am love
I had a dream that I was looking out over a body of water and I yelled out "I am love," but in a really deep voice. There was another being there and I felt they wanted it to be a negative experience, but I turned that around and the dream quit -- just by saying "I am love." That's how powerful any phrase starting with "I am..." is and that's how powerful love is. This lady came to my door... Th
Take control back
You control everything in your experience including your dreams. Dreams are real and when you clear all the programming out of your subconscious, you'll find yourself behaving in your dreams like you do in your waking time. Before going to bed last night, I set the intention to solve my dreams with love and hugs. Solve? Yes, solve. When you're having a negative dream, doing something like saying
Four years awakened
I knew I wanted to write an article, but about what? I found my A Year Awakened article and thought you might like an update 😃, but first what prompted me to write an article. Someone spills a full glass of water on the couch and floor and I didn't have any angry thoughts; moreover, I asked them to sit and relax while I cleaned it up. Calm, well centered. That's a good response if you ask me, or
How to Exit the Matrix
What is the Matrix? Have you seen the Matrix movie where Neo is living his "life" until he takes the red pill, then wakes up to see he's been manipulated. Mr. Smith is trying to catch Neo and is able to morph from anyone on the street. This is how they've setup the game. If you step out of the box, you get phrases like, "In the real world", "You've got your head in the sand," "It's a conspiracy th
Why are you wearing a toque?
I had a couple of interesting experiences this week. The first experience was a dream where I was walking somewhere and this lady asks me, "Are you sick?" Referring to a toque I was wearing. I remember thinking to myself, I don't get sick (or better yet for manifestation, I should have said, "I'm always healthy"). I replied, "No." I told this dream to a friend and she, knew my guides were talking
The voices in your head
There appears to be an increase in mind-control this past week. This brings up two important topics: 1) The voices in your head may not be your own. 2) You manifest your reality. I know the thoughts are not my own because I know what experience I want to have and when I have thoughts that go against that -- I know. Just revoke those rogue thoughts and substitute something good! Eventually the rogu
Bird Sanctuary
I’m at the bird sanctuary today. The sounds they make in the AM is like an orchestra. In the afternoon, they're still looking for food and enjoying the day. Life is grand when you have everything that you need. When there is abundance for everyone. Abundance for everyone. Maybe that's where this article is going. It's a beautiful afternoon; I'm just relaxing and listening to the birds. I have ev
The dumb ones
I've been reading Dr. J's second book on the Xanue and he has a chapter on questions about "the dumb ones." I choose to not give them any energy, so instead of calling them demons or evil - "the dumb ones" will suffice. Dr. J mentioned that they try to cause turmoil and break up his relationship. That happens to me as well! When you're in your heart-space, however, they have no control over you.
You are infinite, Disclosure alert!
Infinite? What are you taking about? Glad you asked. There is disclosure about technology, healing beds, anti-gravity, people from other planets and galaxies, new financial systems, but what about disclosure that you can access multiple dimensions at the same time? Infinite. The only catch is that you have to believe it's possible. You, rather your mind, can hold you back. It's filled with propag