006 Teleportation and Talking to the Sun
I thought about calling this article "Public Transit; Just Like Teleportation" but then I couldn't get the Sun in there. I'm not the only one that talks to the Sun or nature so I just wanted people to know they are not alone in this by writing this article.

NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, but during transcription, things can come up for purging or discussion with your guides.

Guide: Ok, Jason, are you going to talk to the Arcturian Council or what?
Jason: Yeah.

Friends Having a Chat

I'm on a bench and the Arcturian Council appears beside me.

Jason: What dimension are you in?
Council: Does it matter?
Jason: No.
Council: What dimension is your cottage in?
Jason: (laugh)
Council: You spend more time there than anybody, but ...
Jason: I think there are people that spend more time (at my cottage) than me now.
Council: Why did you say people?
Jason: What should I say? Beings?
Council: People is ok, we just wanted to know why you said it.

Council: So, what do you think our topic is going to be for this week?
Jason: Friends?
Council: Why don't you just wait and find out?
Jason: (chuckle)

Our bench is on top of a train.

Council: Does that startle you?
Jason: No.
Council: What if the train stops suddenly?
Jason: Then it stops suddenly. That's fine.
Council: Are you going to go flying?
Jason: No.

Council: Just be patient, we're getting to the point. We can't just jump to the punch-line all the time.
Jason: You never just jump to the punch-line.
Council: Exactly.

Public Transit; Just Like Teleportation

Council: What did you do today?
Jason: I went to work.
Council: How did you go to work?
Jason: I took public transit.
Council: Was it like teleportation?
Jason: Didn't I already explain this?
Council: Yeah, don't go over it again. Maybe just a short version.

Jason: Public transit is like teleportation because... With teleportation you would step into a teleporter and you would get teleported to your destination. Transit is kinda the same way. You walk into a bus and you get "transported" to your destination. (chuckle) It's just slower and not as cool as actual teleportation.
Council: You have to start somewhere, right?
Jason: Yeah.
Council: Would you have thought you'd take the bus, two years ago?
Jason: No, I was always driving. I've never been a public transit person.
Council: How are you finding it now?
Jason: Oh, it's beautiful. You see broken down cars by the side of the road and you're not going to have that problem. If the bus or commuter train breaks down, they just fix it up.

(Why are we staying on fossil fuels when we already have the technology for free-energy electric vehicles? I laugh when the petrol company sends me emails saying, "We miss you, come back. We'll give you $1 off if you purchase $50 in fuel.")

Council: Alright, Jason, is this anything you can write an article about?
Jason: I guess I could call it "Public Transport, just like Teleportation but more 3D" (laugh) That'd be funny.
Council: We just wanted to make you laugh.

The Power of Laughter

I ask them about Daniel's channelling. If they make him do some of those motions to make us smile.

Council: We can't tell you that. It's top secret.
Jason: (laugh) I'm leaning towards, you make him do some of those motions to make us smile.

Talking to the Sun? That's Ascension

Council: Ok, Jason, this is for real. You need something for today. It may not come out until the weekend, but that's fine.
Council: What tip do you have for the collective?
  • If you find yourself talking to the Sun, or the Sun greeting you as you walk by the window in the morning, that's ascension.
  • If you find the birds are saying "Hi Jason" as they fly by the window, that's ascension.
  • If you find the rabbits around your house, see you and say,"Oh, don't look at me Jason" (laugh) that's ascension.
  • If you find that you're not squishing bugs, but you're setting them free outside of your house, that's ascension.
Council: Why did you say that last one? (14:44)
Jason: About the bugs?
Council: Yeah.
Jason: Because everything has a soul and some bugs don't live that long, like flies.

Council: We love you Jason.
Jason: I love you guys too.
Council: You're just saying that.
Jason: (chuckle)
Council: Finally, you finally said it. We said it over and over again.

Council: Jason, you can go do your transcription now.
Jason: Thank you for your time.