Free Reiki Healing
I received my Reiki Master attunement and found the purple flower in my backyard a couple of days later. It's the colour of the Violet Flame of Usui Reiki. Usui Reiki is a form of spiritual healing that covers all areas. It balances your energetic body which manifests your physical body.

I started healing nature for a couple of months: trees, ponds and animals. Gaia thanked me for the healing, but requested I focus on the collective.

During some online group meditations, people were asking for healing. So I sent out healing and received some clairaudient responses either that night or within a few days.

I know when healing is complete when get total chakra activation -- it feels like I'm being electrocuted.

A Year Later...

My guide meets me at the meditation tree, grabs my hand and says, ...
Guide: Come on.
Jason: Guide's taking me to the healing room. (12.00.22)
Guide: I thought you should check out the upgrades we did.
Jason: It looks just like how I left it. (tears) I see a note that says, "Thank you Mr. Clapper" on my bookshelf under the window.
Guide: You're already helping people. (13:03)

If you haven't meditated before, I recommend meditating for a week, and try connecting with your spirit guides, before trying this service.