008 Life is Amazing with Your Spirit Guides

Everyday is great when you have your ethereal friends to talk with and they always make you laugh. This is not to say they won't teach you things like discernment, by saying things that don't resonate with your vibration. Just revoke the thoughts and you'll be amazed how fast the topic changes.

NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, but during transcription, things can come up for purging or discussion with your guides.

I think if my spirit guide tells me it doesn't mean anything, it means something.

I'm going to have a journey.
I'm going to talk the Arcturian Council.
They were by the stream and I ask them why?

Council: Jason, why do you think we were here so quickly?
Jason: Because I thought about talking to you guys while washing dishes.
Council: Don't you think we want to share a message?
Jason: An inspiring message?
Council: Yes, an inspiring message for everyone? (1:14)

Jason: Would you share anything with us?
Council: That's inspiring?
Jason: Just talking to you guys is inspiring or should be inspiring.

Council: Why do you have so much fun travelling to work? (2:22.62) And being at work?
Jason: (tears)

Council: Do you listen to your music on the way to work?
Jason: No, I (tears) (3:33)... I talk to my spirit guides and I talk to the trees. Maybe the birds.

Council: Why do you enjoy work?
Jason: Well, other than the fact I enjoy what I do... (chuckle) I look at the clock and it's like 111 or 222 or 333 or 444. And my spirit guide says, "Well that didn't mean anything." (laugh) I think if my spirit guide tells me it doesn't mean anything, it means something. In that I'm talking to my spirit guides, and that is awesome! (4:53:33) That brings everything back into perspective.


Council: Ok, Jason, that's all we have for today, see you later. We just wanted to get that down on a recording because your going to transcribe this one. Do you have any inspiring message for the collective?

Jason: I always think how amazing it is talking to my spirit guides all day. You don't have to meditate. Well, maybe at the beginning if your ego is telling you it's not real, I had to ... We still need our ego, but it has to follow our heart. That's what they say.

They are Your Family and Friends

Jason: The Arcturian Council is over by the forest-people.
Guide: You go over there... Go over there... It's like you haven't done this before or something, get over there.

The Arcturian Council is there and they say, ...
Council: Jason, I thought you had this week figured out.
Jason: I thought it was about how awesome it is to talk to your spirit guides. (2:22)
Council: Do you think we're chopped liver?
Jason: (chuckle) They just said it as a phrase. I think the idea is to get people to talk to their spirit guides. (2:49.99)
Council: Bingo! So what would you say about your spirit guides?
Jason: I think I said something like this on the bus... but, if someone was just playing games on their phone because they were bored they should try talking to their spirit guides. It's much more rewarding and better use of your time.

If you're playing games to auto-level up on your RPGs, ... What's that? A game playing itself? Just talk to your spirit guides, they'll make you laugh.

Council: You said all this before, is there something else you have to say about your spirit guides?
Jason: They can be your family and friends. They can be your husband or your wife.

We are Infinite Consciousness

Guide: Just be quiet and let me talk.
Jason: I'm thanking my guide. (tears)
Guide: Why are you thanking me?
Jason: (tears)

Guide: Why are you thanking me?
Jason: I tell my guide everyday is awesome, because of you.
Guide: No, it's because of you Jason.

Jason: What I meant to say was... Because I can talk to my guides and they makes me laugh. (laugh) And they make me laugh again. They remind me all the time that I'm infinite consciousness. Just talking to your spirit guides is awesome. More people should try it.

Guide: Jason, you done blabbering?
Jason: Guide mimics my blabbering and I say, "Yeah."
Guide: We have some work to do.
Jason: Do I have content for the article?

The answer was yes :)


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