007 Believe In Yourself
This was a long conversation covering a few topics. I mention some people that have helped me along the way and provide links at the bottom of the article.

NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, but during transcription, things can come up for purging or discussion with your guides.

Jason: It's Wednesday, so I get to talk to the Arcturian Council (all excited)
Guide: Hi. Don't come to the cottage if you want to talk to the Arcturian Council.
Jason: They were at the cottage yesterday. (chuckle)
Guide: Do you really think they would come to the cottage?

Jason: I appear back at the meditation tree and the Arcturian Council is beside me in a cloud formation. (1:03.33) It may even be a tall, vertical, cloud.
Council: Lets take a walk.

Council: Jason, do you think there is anything else we can talk about?
Jason: Just having a chat or are you talking about an inspirational message for everyone?
Council: An inspriational message for everyone, for sure. Undoubtably.
Jason: (laugh)

What's Inspiring Me?

You're on Earth, living it, so what's inspiring you? -- Arcturian Council

Jason: You want me to come up with an inspiring message?
Council: Why is everyday so great?
Jason: That's a good one, but everything in my life has been going good since I stopped getting sucked into materialism. (4:44) I recommend turning off your television except for enlightening YouTube videos and for enlightening websites. (chuckle)

Council: Jason, what else can you recommend?
Jason: You mean like going to the main, https://mylightworker.org website and taking a look at the information there?
Council: Yeah, why wouldn't you have them do that? It saves repeating the stuff here.
Jason: They can do that. They can go watch Daniel Scranton, Color the Magic, Meditation Bridge, Simon Parkes, David Icke, Carolyn Zaiser, Tracy Radley, ... (chuckle)
Council: Ok, that's a good list. Are you going to link all those in this article?
Jason: Yeah, I can do that.
Council: Why would you do that?
Jason: Sometimes it's good to know that there are other people going through the same thing you are.
Council: Do you think those sites can teach them anything?
Jason: Yeah, they've taught me.
Council: You're just relaying this information that they taught you?
Jason: No. The information is filtered through my discernment. Furthermore, I've had my own experiences and created my own solutions to issues. Oh, Alba Weinman was another one. That's people doing journeys, but through hypnosis sessions. You probably don't need a hypnosis session if you just meditate.
Council: And talk to your spirit guides?
Jason: Yeah, there's an article on Meditation and Connecting with your Spirit Guides on the main website.
Council: So what's holding people back?
Jason: From what I know, you just have to believe. I know people and I've seen YouTube videos of people experimenting. If you have any doubt it's going to work for you, then it's not going to work for you. I think I said that somewhere already, but it's worth saying again. (005 Discernment) I'm leaning toward everything is possible.

Everything is possible -- Jason

Council: What do you mean everything is possible?
Jason: We manifest our reality, that's what your TV program is doing. It's programming you to think in a certain way so you manifest what the people that control the media want you to. So just turn the media off; It's that easy.
Council: Jason, do you think we're going to need to talk anymore?
Jason: I'll always talk to you every week, it doesn't mean there will always be an article.
Council: Oh, there'll be an article. (11:01)
Jason: We're just having a chat after all.

Council: What's the inspiring message of this chat today?
Jason: Just believe, but don't believe in external things, believe in yourself. Go internally and ask yourself questions...
Council: How will you get the answer?
Jason: It's either through a knowing, or it's through thought which is ... Telepathy is just thoughts being implanted in your atmosphere from someone else. Discernment comes in to determine which thoughts are yours and which are others. Other beings thoughts or other thoughts in general. You just revoke the ones that don't resonate with you. Those that are not your own, you just revoke them.
Council: You make it sound easy.
Jason: I've been doing this for a year and it's been pretty awesome so far.

This was a long chat. Thank you Arcturian Council.

The People

I'll summarize the people I mentioned above and a few others. Just watch what resonates with you.

The Lifting - Chris Jacobs and his friends and family go deep into speaking with the Galactics, elementals, etc. I figured I'd talk with the forest-people (Sasquatch) and they moved into the forest by my cottage.

Alba Weinman - Hypnosis journeys. You don't need hypnosis if you do protection, meditate and talk to your spirit guides.

Daniel Scranton - Channels a variety of higher dimensional collectives including the Arcturian Council daily.

Meditation Bridge - A medium that astral travels.

Simon Parkes - Founded Connecting Consciousness, has grown up with extraterrestrial contact.

David Icke - Connects the dots. Watch Renegade, his new documentary.

Dr Steven Greer - Connect with extraterrestrials using CE-5 protocols. We already have the technology for everything in Star Trek.

Carolyn Zaiser - Channels the Light Keepers and provides her own insights.

Tracy Radley - Travels and heals the world using Light Language.

Color the Magic - Channels the Arcturian Council once a month.

Abbey Normal - Yes, Journey Healing is a thing. Check out her Abbey's Psychic Services channel.

Keleena Malnar - Sisters of the Rose High Priestess Activator & Initiator.