Solstice Meditation
December 21, 2022
Today is the Solstice, so it's a perfect time to thank the Sun and Earth and ground the solstice energies into Mother Earth. I'm including a meditation to do just that and more!
- Sit or lie down.
- Take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out of the mouth. In, 2, 3, and out, 2, 3 ...
- Imagine a protective sphere around you that encompasses your aura and only allows in that which is for your highest good -- on the positive side. It goes from your inner-most being to the outer reaches of the Universe! (Yes, there are no limits)
- Imagine you're 1000ft tall standing on Mother Earth.
- Start flowing energy in through your head, through your chakras, through your feet and into Mother Earth in a toroid or doughnut shape.
- Set the intention to ground the solstice energies into Mother Earth. They are mixed with the energies currently flowing through you. In through your head and grounding into Mother Earth.
- After doing that for a minute or so, give out a quick breath through the mouth to solidify your intention.
- You can stop now or continue to with the extended meditation below.
Extend the Meditation
As a bonus, why not chat with your friends, guides or helpers? Continue on...
Remember your friends, guides and helpers will only give you positive messages. if you're getting anything negative, just quit the session and try again. If you start tearing up or crying, but are not sad, it's a good thing. It means you've connected with your heart.
Do your protection, as described above, if you haven't already.
- Imagine a bench on Mother Earth.
- Sit on the bench.
- Invite friends, guides or helpers, for your highest good, to join you and give you messages of encouragement.
- Stay and chat for a long as you want.
Have a wonderful day! Check out my Free Reiki Master Healing or my chat with the Arcturian Council.