A mother asked for healing for her daughter. 11:59pm: I heard clairaudiently, "Thank you, Mr Clapper" in a child's voice.
Take it from the Arcturian Council, a non-physical collective, who always has a positive word to say. It's mostly about standing in your power...
I had a message come to me while in a semi-sleeping state - be at peace with yourself. What does that mean? Does it matter? It definately matters. I like to use a similar phrase, "Be in your zen." Don't let others or the expectation that others should do things your way bring you out of your heart space. Know that right now, everything is fine. Feel your inner peace. Guide: You have something mo
Your friends, guides and helpers include mother Earth. Try a couple of healing techniques next time you need it: 1. Imagine a torriod (doughnut) of energy going through you and Earth. In through your head, out from your feet and into mother Earth. Have it cycle back through your head. 2. Use the power of conscious breathing, to breath a blue light from mother Earth into your feet and up to your
Today is Memorial Day in the USA. My initial thought was to tell people about having a mediation journey, sit on the bench and invite someone that has passed to join you. My second thought was to inform people of the war we are in right now. We are in a spiritual-information war. Many individuals representing corporations have profited off killing the men/women’s families reading this. These corp
I had this realization long ago, back in 2018, that one can expand in a loving environment. I had the experience this month. Guide: We're here. Jason: Welcome :) In the current system we are taught that pain and.... Is normal; No it's not normal. It's abnormal to expect suffering until you pass to the next experience. Sound like someone is profiting in there somewhere to me. Our normal is peace
What is the Matrix? Have you seen the Matrix movie where Neo is living his "life" until he takes the red pill, then wakes up to see he's been manipulated. Mr. Smith is trying to catch Neo and is able to morph from anyone on the street. This is how they've setup the game. If you step out of the box, you get phrases like, "In the real world", "You've got your head in the sand," "It's a conspiracy th
It's a good time to publish a new healing journey. Times have changed in the four years since my last video, but the message holds true. Love yourself above all.
Today is the Solstice, so it's a perfect time to thank the Sun and Earth and ground the solstice energies into Mother Earth. I'm including a meditation to do just that and more! * Sit or lie down. * Take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out of the mouth. In, 2, 3, and out, 2, 3 ... * Imagine a protective sphere around you that encompasses your aura and only allows in that which is fo
My car registration was coming due this year and I was reminded of it due to my yearly calendar reminder. I was asked to go a day early and I said, "No, it's fine. I'll go tomorrow." We have three registration offices in close proximity and I decided to try a new location this year -- the energy is clean in that area. As I was driving into the parking lot, there was a fire truck parked in front
The Earth is a hologram that amplifies your feelings. Is that enough to get you to change your way of thinking and stay in your heart space? I sent healing to everyone with just one healing session and have had many responses of "Thank you." Some were telepathic and some were in person a weeks and months after I have sent out the healing. We are taught... A good day's wages for a good day's work.
It's time to change yourself -- maybe it's better said, "It's time for a new way of thinking." It's time to move into your heart ❤ space. When you're in your heart space, there is only love and forgiveness and fun! Love heals all. I see people have reached the limit of the propaganda spewed out by the mainstream news. Is that the way you want to live? Is that the way you want your children to gro
This Wednesday there is a free meditation with Alicia Power. Alicia Power - Lifting Light Personally Globally UPGRADE YOUR SOUL LIGHT EACH MONTH A 30 x minute LIVE HIGH SPIRIT LIGHT INFUSION with Master Healer Alicia Power and her Senior Spirit Mentors. BUILD your LIGHT NO COST EVENT My commitment to you: As a Master Energy Healer and Spirit Communicator of 30 years, I bring my partnerships wit
I am love. I am hugs. What are you thinking of? What are you imagining? I watched this Alba Weinman video where a young mother has a chat with her 2 year old that passed. It reminded me of my previous article called "Communicating with Those that have Passed On" and of a picture taken of me this year where I was smiling just like the photo presented of the 2 year old. We should act more like a 2 y
I went for a walk this afternoon during my lunch break. I could have just as easily stayed in the office or stayed home for that matter, but the Sun was out and I just walk around the block. As I walked down the stairs onto the sidewalk I had this vision of sitting around a campfire with some indigenous people. They called me "Man of many hugs." I laughed because it was funny and true. My hugs hea
I've had some interesting experiences with talking to those that have completed their experience and passed on. This includes people as well as dogs. I was going to call this article "Dogs at my Etheric Cottage," but that didn't cover the scope of the topic. I am recommending that everyone meditate for 5 minutes a day and connect with your spirit guides. They will give you the information to need
I had my weekly chat with the Arcturian Council and it led into a meditative journey with the trees. It finishes with information on the worldwide meditation on Thursday at 3pm Mountain time. If you can't make it at that time, then set the intention for your meditation to be for that purpose and to join us. You can also help by planting a tree or just letting one or more of the spouts in your bac
It's good to be home, at my cottage. The Arcturian Council waves me over to the lake. It's just not far at all from the meditation tree, like 10-20 feet? I don't know. (1:23) They're in the lawn chairs, so I go over there to sit and chat. 'I had the realization of what the 5th dimension was. It was seeing the same thing as everyone else, but having a different perspective.' Council: So, Jason,
I have a chat with the Arcturian Council towards the end of the week and I put it in a blog entry, on my website, on Sunday. This was a story of something that happened to me on Thursday and I agree with them. 'How are we going to top that? - Arcturian Council' I had this awesome experience after work today. Helping an older man pick up his gloves. I don't know if he was homeless, but no one w
The Arcturian Council guided me to start a weekly chat with them for inspirational messages for everyone. Their first message is: You can talk to whomever you want! Check out the link, below, for more information.
A journey is an interactive story that your guides show me. I'll narrate what I'm seeing and clear any issues. This is only one aspect of the healing provided. When you hear the story it will resonate with you differently than anybody else and will provide healing over the work I do in the journey. For example, giving you a different outlook on your situation and spring-boarding you to your next l
What is the Matrix? Have you seen the Matrix movie where Neo is living his "life" until he takes the red pill, then wakes up to see he's been manipulated. Mr. Smith is trying to catch Neo and is able to morph from anyone on the street. This is how they've setup the game. If you step out of the box, you get phrases like, "In the real world", "You've got your head in the sand," "It's a conspiracy th
It's a good time to publish a new healing journey. Times have changed in the four years since my last video, but the message holds true. Love yourself above all.
Today is the Solstice, so it's a perfect time to thank the Sun and Earth and ground the solstice energies into Mother Earth. I'm including a meditation to do just that and more! * Sit or lie down. * Take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out of the mouth. In, 2, 3, and out, 2, 3 ... * Imagine a protective sphere around you that encompasses your aura and only allows in that which is fo
The Earth is a hologram that amplifies your feelings. Is that enough to get you to change your way of thinking and stay in your heart space? I sent healing to everyone with just one healing session and have had many responses of "Thank you." Some were telepathic and some were in person a weeks and months after I have sent out the healing. We are taught... A good day's wages for a good day's work.
My car registration was coming due this year and I was reminded of it due to my yearly calendar reminder. I was asked to go a day early and I said, "No, it's fine. I'll go tomorrow." We have three registration offices in close proximity and I decided to try a new location this year -- the energy is clean in that area. As I was driving into the parking lot, there was a fire truck parked in front
Today is Memorial Day in the USA. My initial thought was to tell people about having a mediation journey, sit on the bench and invite someone that has passed to join you. My second thought was to inform people of the war we are in right now. We are in a spiritual-information war. Many individuals representing corporations have profited off killing the men/women’s families reading this. These corp
I received my Reiki Master attunement and found the purple flower in my backyard a couple of days later. It's the colour of the Violet Flame of Usui Reiki. Usui Reiki is a form of spiritual healing that covers all areas. It balances your energetic body which manifests your physical body. I started healing nature for a couple of months: trees, ponds and animals. Gaia thanked me for the healing,
I had this realization long ago, back in 2018, that one can expand in a loving environment. I had the experience this month. Guide: We're here. Jason: Welcome :) In the current system we are taught that pain and.... Is normal; No it's not normal. It's abnormal to expect suffering until you pass to the next experience. Sound like someone is profiting in there somewhere to me. Our normal is peace
These are weekly messages from my communications with the Arcturian Council. You may find these other channelers of interest as well:
I've been doing journeys for myself and my guides are telling me it's time to start providing Journey Healing to others. A journey is an interactive story that your guides show me. I'll narrate what I'm seeing and clear any issues. This is only one aspect of the healing provided. When you hear the story it will resonate with you differently than anybody else and will provide healing over the
Here is the second, official, weekly chat with the Arcturian Council. It's short, but profound. NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, but during transcription, things can come up for purging or discussion with your guides. Jason: Oh there's lots of time. Council: Time doesn't exist. Jason: It's just
It took awhile to get this information, but they said I only had to include the pertinent parts. We were having a chat after all. NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, but during transcription, things can come up for purging or discussion with your guides. Jason: Everyone has to try telepathy. It would
I had this idea that I would talk to the Arcturian Council while Daniel Scranton was on a vacation, but it turned out that they would like me to have a chat with them once a week to share an inspirational message to everyone. NB: Always do your protection, narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, but during transcripti
I helped that old man today, he wanted some waterproof gloves and a hat to keep the rain off and look cool. The Arcturian Council introduces me to Karen's Mom again. I did a Journey Healing to help Karen connect with her mother who passed, but I didn't tell her yet. NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, b
Your friends, guides and helpers include mother Earth. Try a couple of healing techniques next time you need it: 1. Imagine a torriod (doughnut) of energy going through you and Earth. In through your head, out from your feet and into mother Earth. Have it cycle back through your head. 2. Use the power of conscious breathing, to breath a blue light from mother Earth into your feet and up to your
I have a chat with the Arcturian Council towards the end of the week and I put it in a blog entry, on my website, on Sunday. This was a story of something that happened to me on Thursday and I agree with them. 'How are we going to top that? - Arcturian Council' I had this awesome experience after work today. Helping an older man pick up his gloves. I don't know if he was homeless, but no one w
I've always used discernment as described by TheLifting: Judge the message, not the messenger, but this week I saw an article that highlighted it's importance. NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, but during transcription, things can come up for purging or discussion with your guides. Jason: I'm going t
I started chatting with the Arcturian Council, the forest-people and Nicola Tesla. I told Nicola it was Wednesday and I usually talk with the Arcturian Council at that time. He said, go right ahead. If you'd like to hear more from the forest-people or Nicola, just contact me via my contact form. NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react
This chat is for those people that feel stuck at their job and know there is more -- there is! You've manifested your experience so far and you just didn't know it. Connect with your spirit guides and see that you're not alone. NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, but during transcription, things can com
I thought about calling this article "Public Transit; Just Like Teleportation" but then I couldn't get the Sun in there. I'm not the only one that talks to the Sun or nature so I just wanted people to know they are not alone in this by writing this article. NB: Always narrate and record your journeys. I find that my guides will say things that may not react with me during the journey, but during