The Earth is a Hologram

The Earth is a hologram that amplifies your feelings. Is that enough to get you to change your way of thinking and stay in your heart space? I sent healing to everyone with just one healing session and have had many responses of "Thank you." Some were telepathic and some were in person a weeks and months after I have sent out the healing.

We are taught...

A good day's wages for a good day's work. That's very limited thinking. It means I have to work for every hour or day to get paid to buy things. The "big" business owners don't work, they just run a business and have people working under them.

Who benefits?

Who benefits from having people working? The shop owners who need someone to work for cheap. The hidden rulers that feed on people's misery.

Is there a better way?

Guide: Fewer titles ;)

The only problem is that the majority (99%) are being manipulated into manifesting and continuing on with this limited way of thinking by the one percent (1%). Using my example of sending healing to everyone with one healing (you just have to accept it -- see my Free Reiki Healing page), if I spent 1 hour to heal each person -- I just saved 7.5 billion hours of work! Did I get paid, no. Did it help people, yes! Did it help open someone's eyes that things outside of the box are possible? I sure hope so.

Imagine if everyone knew they had super powers, but were being tricked into thinking small. Thinking they can only have what they can pay for? We can have everything and it costs nothing to get it but spending some time within -- clearing out (purging) the old way of thinking and substituting the idea that everything is possible and you experience only that which is for your highest good.

I asked my guide, "How do I manifest an apple?"
Guide: Shows me themselves with an armful of apples.

I imagine myself with apples and handing them out to everyone.

It was 15C degrees Celsius today. I've been telling people the high will be 15C today since December and now it's been warm in January, over 15C for 2 days in row without a Chinook. (5:55pm) on the clock.

What do you want to experience in your hologram?


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Guide: We're here.
Jason: Welcome :)

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